
it gives things a more realistic, downer ending

actually, little of Infinity War was realistic. It was just good cgi
(there are actually 37 Infinity Stones, one for each tattva)

that wasn’t a dream, that was me. You were a cute kid

replacing is fine. Deplacing is better. We can’t implace or subplace her, but we can misplace or displace her. But can we transplace her?

you want Mel Gibson to disappear?

1. stop seeing his films
2. stop putting his name into print
3. stop thinking about him altogether

anything else perpetuates the situation. So, if you perpetuate it by not ignoring him, examine your own motivations for doing so. Maybe you like feeling angry.

When you’re as old as i am, you’ll know that the stupid / smrt spectrum isn’t much of a deciding factor for success. I mean, Trump. He’s also a bad iddea since day 1, and he’s getting second and third terms.

nope. Every episode this season is s11e01 actually. It seems like the “Archer’s out of his coma” season, but it’s actually the “Archer Groundhog Day / Russian Doll season”. Look out for sliiiiight differences between episodes.

they have used their offbrand Chronomancy to skate through the 20th century quite deftly. Not so deft as “2000 years in exile among genocidal goy deathsquads” but that’s why there’s a gold standard for Chronomancy.

yep yep yep yep yep

granted. However, in almost every alternate timeline where China does collapse politically with a minimum of suffering to her citizens, China has already been geopolitically and economically isolated and stonewalled by most of the rest of the world.

I invite you to cast your own Glimpse Alternate Futures spell (assumin

is there something that I’m missing?

something something CGI

whenever Disney panders to the CCP line, they are supporting the CCP’s soft power’ to legitimize their overall blinded, blinkered path.

it just is, kid. It just is.

i’ve been keeping an eye on you, as DMs do. Nice work with that warren of Elves in Akron btw, sorry about how their treasure was just that Cursed collection of old DVDs


turns out, the koalas were inside him the whole time

The problem with kids is they’re so small and vulnerable and when they see a carnivorous dinosaur all they do is scream and scream.

heh heh that’s not all they do

nobody’s arguing with that. Also, that’s besides the point.

You should be seeing someone for at least six months to a year—you should be well out of the honeymoon phase if not quite into the farting-in-front-of-each-other phase—before being introduced to your new partner’s kid(s).

Question: if farting in front of each other is a “date 2 or 3" step for a couple, can the

male homosexuality not good enough for you? Racist.

Prsth’t’t’x Fthagn

idea: let China fall apart, culturally and politically. Support her citizens, not her Party.