
Yep - I've got the Drams (just one record, correct?) - not as hard rocking (well, you said it right there - "slightly different approach") - but I like them alot as well.

Wow, I didn't realize it was "Chainstore" until I read your post!

Slobberbone is one of my all-time favorites - I first saw them in Houston in 1999 (Halloween night) in a nearly empty bar. I had never heard of them. They did "I Can Tell Your Love is Waning" (well, pretty much all of Crow Pot Pie), and I was hooked.

so kinda like a rapid fire "hang loose" method.

Yeah - I used the word "version" - but the screen shot above immediately reminded me of Track & Field - although from the name of this game, I figured they weren't really related.

Ok - remember the arcade version of this - may have simply been called "Track & Field".

Just like changing Barb from a minor character to a major character would completely change the tone of the show!

I remember that interview vividly - b/c the next day (or a few days thereafter), came the attacks of 9/11/01 - so there's that.

Turns it into a threesome - sweet!!!

Wouldn't it be somethin' if Tom Cruise from Cocktail - aka "the greatest bartender in the world" worked at the Double Deuce…

Yeah - but will I be able to shotgun a beer?

She goes to a theatre school that teaches acting, voice, dance (she can study all three, or any combo) which we pay for by the class. The school is attached to the theatre, so when national shows come through town that need child talent, they audition from the pool of students at the school. If they make the cast -

Interesting - can you define "Equity/non-Equity professional talent"?

On first glance at the picture - I thought it was one of those flags that pokes out the barrel that says "BANG!".

Vaping is to project that you imagine yourself chillin' in the Mos Eisley cantina.

Sorry to hear that. MyWife has never rejected me ("MyWife" is my left hand's nick-name).

Yes! Over-laid with the laughter of Ming the Mercilous.

Epilogue: Naomi and Tom are arriving home, returning from the court house where she's just signed the adoption papers. Tom exits the car…. And is immediately struck and killed by a snow plow. FIN.

Anti-Spoiler Space!? That's like being anti-School Lunch Program.

Just jump on the back if one of those 1,000 drunk assholes leaving 6th street.