
Speaking as a Canadian, the "uniquely American" attribution didn't strike me at all strange. Here in the rest of the world those of us who don't believe in a god ... well we just don't. We don't form groups and have conventions. That would be like a convention for people who don't own Toyotas. Doesn't that strike you

It's amusing to see people complicate a painfully obvious subject. And they pat themselves on the back for struggling with it, as if their moral equivocation is admirable.

I remember a girl in my junior high school named Chinese. She pronounced it Chin-eess. Stress on the second syllable, long e, hard s.

I blame SATC for the rise in the popularity of "Aiden" ... I mean, who would not want to raise a man to be able to resist the temptations of a self-absorbed shopaholic with a closet the size of Manhattan?

Agree. Except Paprika. Grew up with girl named that. People called her Pep.

A few I've come across working for a decent sized school district:

I'm actually pretty okay with Paprika as a name.

Every time I get a bit sad about living in Canada, I remember that Newfies exist and I feel much better about life.

Don't worry. We'll be making fun of the Democrats too. This just happened to be all GOP representatives.

You know, I'm just about sick and tired of "tolerating" a bunch of ignorant provincial hicks who openly express their wish that we roll back the 20th Century.

You are right, how dare the author dehumanize these politicians by using the words that came out of their own mouths against them. He is so bigoted.

Do not come to an anti-science debacle and declare liberal bias. Those were elected representatives chosen by the people of the US, but they were placed on a SCIENCE committee due to politics. These were their words. No bias. Fact.

And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to attitudes about science, one side has a whole lot more fucking idiots than the other.

I love hating things I haven't read, but what really puts the lead in my pencil is hating things that barely exist yet.

I will never in my life forget, Nov 1976, I was in 1st grade and my classroom held an election. I was the only one that voted for Carter. Every single kid in that class voted for Ford. My entire family voted for Ford. I know about as much now as I did then about his presidency but 6 year old me is forever delighted

I'm just going to pretend this really is the queen. I am also going to keep pretending that her twitter account is real and she just pretends it isn't so she can keep saying hillarious things. denial

And it's ***Flawless

You know, as a white person, I don't feel like I can trust white people to write our stories for us, because if you watch television, girls are all tiny and conventionally cute, smart people are all nerds, slobby dweebs get hot wives, and people are either filthy rich or white-trash.

Oh Snap! Sarah Michelle Geller says she's canceling her subscription to Vogue because they put ol' Kimmy-Wings on the cover!