
I'm pretty sure that the Stones's "Yoko" was the steady march of time. Being in your 60's/70's will do that.

Yep. Hate speech is not protected in many European countires and we have somehow managed not to implode. I love my American friends, but I'm always baffled when they go all "EVERYBODY SHOULD ALWAYS BE ALLOWED TO SAY ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THEY WANT AT ALL TIMES OR ELSE WE'D BE LIKE NAZIS!"

Really? I remember equally scathing coverage of Russia's persecution of gays, Arizona's psychotic homophobia, and every last American politician to run his/her idiotic mouth about gay people. Not to mention coverage of the white evangelicals stoking anti-gay crackdowns in African countries.

On the bright side, this will make not showing up for holiday dinners much more understandable.

That was one of my favorite parts of that movie. That and JLaw cleaning and rocking out to "Live and Let Die".

The airline is footing the bill for the families. As it should be.

If you are a little bit familiar with Malaysia, meaning its political system and culture, it is not at all surprising to read something like this. Malaysian leaders overall are trying to bridge an impossible gap: Trying to keep the One Party in power as it has been for the last decades and controlling the information

Kathleen Turner and her awesomely raspy voice for Ursula.

A bad ass Ursula who is the same proportions as she was in the cartoon. Don't give me some skinny sea witch. Poor, Unfortunate Souls is much better with some size. Queen Latifah (I'm just picturing her as Mama in Chicago)?

At some point it'd be really neat if Sophia Coppola decided to make a movie that wasn't all about how tough it is to be a princess.


That makes this even sadder. I loved L'Wren Scott's work and had zero idea she was with Mick Jagger. This is so ridiculous.

Am old. Did not reproduce. What a relief.

Okay, um, that was rude, but that sentence was in reference to the plane being diverted somewhere else with the passengers still alive and on board. Which means they landed somewhere. So presumably they are not still at 30,000 feet in the middle of the "freaking ocean."

An elderly lady at the gym yesterday told me that she thinks the whole thing is a hoax. This was directly after she told me that she's sick of hearing about Sandy Hook (relevant: we live about 1.5 hours from Sandy Hook). So, I mean, there's that.

"...undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection..."

I read an article that said family members called phones of the passengers and the phones rang. They were registered at the phone company as being still online. That freaked out the relatives and there is no explanation.

ugh, can you smell the reaching out to become a "lifestyle" brand.

Her speech was beautiful. Also: BENEDICT WAS CRYING!

I have a friend who was falsely accused of rape. The situation worked itself out (there was no way he possibly could have done it, I am unclear if she WAS raped and blamed him, or made it all up. Either way, she was genuinely traumatized, and I have sympathy for her, whatever happened to her), and in the 15 years I