
Oh my god that sounds good. I've done the same thing before but with bacon (you fry the bacon until cooked but not crispy) and I suspect this is even more delicious. Yes, even though mine has bacon nests, yours sounds more delicous.

The stuff that's in a lot of once-reno'd and now-reno'd-again period houses is usually real lino. It usually looks like hell now, and doesn't suit environments of any architectural integrity, but it does hold up impressively. Tons of old schools and public/commercial buildings have what is clearly not vinyl lino as

Nobody knows how to decorate anymore! It's either bland modern for those with money, or (admittedly, often stylish) eclectic thrift jumble for most of the rest of us. And that's the best of it. Could be worse, but damn I wish decorating were still an art for everyone.

That #1 Hypocrite ad is fantastic. I don't support the message but I support the ad.

Every single person should stop making denigrating comments about their partners body and life. It comes from your own preference of how you think your imaginary partner should be. Thereby these comments are often rooted in some displeasure in your own life, and maybe your relationship. Your

Counterproblem: the mesh is often too loose, is not stretchy, and thereby it is very easy for your junk to flop around in most sitting positions one would assume poolside. Also, piss dribbles.

You touch on what I was thinking, that they've already been attempting this for over a decade. More interesting food, much slicker interior design, smoothies! They've always been at the head of the game for mass market fast food trying to rebrand themselves. So they already know that it doesn't really work.

Those pictures raise so many questions and none are about the lack of penis. I was prepared for that. Spoiler alert, but I'm puzzled about the enormous horizontal stomach scar. And the shaved pubes. Dear god, everyone please stop doing that. I don't think that in this case there's a case of the tree looking bigger

The claim isn't for "a Birkin" (or whatever) it's for the value of the Birkin or whatever. So, no, they would just have to prove the purchase of the items at the value that they claimed, which they would (obviously) have to do in any insurance claim regardless of if it is real or fake.

There are no Grand Duchesses in the UK and never have been.

Those entry level Volvo wagons are super cute and I see them in Canada all the time

Quite right, the problem is with an entire fat-phobic industry rather than individual retailers. Hell, I'm not at all comfortable in any shopping environment (let alone Marc Jacobs) and I don't have to deal with media reinforcement that my body is "less-than" every day of my life.

You shop sales and consignment to get those savings, so you seem to know a thing or two about quality production, and reading of your sewing experience I'm surprised to find you think that $40 is expensive for a pair of pants. It isn't simple to produce garments for that pricepoint without using unsustainable and

I have heard Robert Duffy (Marc's business partner) say that they do produce up to size 14 even though it does not sell. As in, it is a bad business move and they do it anyway, if only just to say they do.

Oh I meant tobacco, for in the morning to look forward to. Weed is better before bed.

Smoking helps that particular problem. I might phase into pizza! I was going to say that eating pizza first thing in the morning would make me feel unhealthy, but if smoking doesnt...

That's an interesting scenario to raise (from the mindset of being a half-American Indian person raised through artificial insemination by two white parents, clearly the parental selection thing would be fucked up.) It really corners the question about what part of your experience is determined by race and what is

I need an emoji for that

I sort of get it because they're both red-heads who are heavy on the whimsy, and started out in the same... decade? But there isn't much substantial comparison. The sounds then were very different, the sounds now are extremely different.

1) If they were current, they'd be criticized. This topic didn't get page views back then. In fact, I don't think page views even existed back then.