
I personally own this Cuisinart and I can’t recommend it enough.

Holy shit. So she never even remotely intended to follow protocol. Wow. She knowingly traveled there with the intent to break the law right away and risk the lives of everyone on the island and waste resources. She should be thankful it is only 4 months and that she did not kill anyone.

Super appreciate your solid input. Thanks for chiming in and I hope you have a great weekend. :)

People will not go to theaters in the numbers they have historically if they do not feel that they can be safe gathering in large numbers. Maybe a vaccine will change this, but that’s still half a year a way, at least, for most people in the US.

I’m betting about 35 or so. She seems to think that’s a safe number.

No message, and no party outreach infrastructure. The Democrat party needs to have people going out to rural communities regularly and getting to know people out there, but they don’t. They may have an office in some rural towns, and go to a couple of state fairs now and then, but they rarely get out and visit the

Wisconsin just announced that Trump is eligible to request a recount. He just has to do it by 5pm Wednesday, including paying the estimated cost of the count up front.

Martinelli’s would like to have a word with you 😉

Burying something made mostly of cellulose away from oxygen stabilizes it, slowing or stopping decay. It’s how there are still buried Viking ships to find. This means that even things we generally consider to be perfectly biodegradable—like newspapers—can stay cellusosic gunk in landfill conditions. (Nor is this sort

They’re cowards and also I have no shame. A confluence of events. 

I mean...

I did not know Fucker Carlson actually had a point on his moral scale where he would stop and say, “shiet, even I can’t go here! This is simply too crazy and fucked-up, even for me.

Paul Nicklen did an incredible piece on the coastal wolves of British Columbia and how they’re being hunted primarily for sport (they’re smaller than timber or gray wolves so they aren’t worth much monetarily)... it gained so much traction on his Instagram that his org received enough donations that they were able to

Andrew clearly doesn’t live in Colorado because he would know that “west of the continental divide” and “densely populated” are incongruous. I voted for it and I’m thrilled it passed. Everything you mentioned is absolutely 100% spot on and well-put. Thank you for that. 

I don’t even think the driver is going for the drive-through. I think that’s just for the exit, if it’s anything like the layout of the McDonald’s nearest me.

Plague, exciting and new
Come Aboard. We’re expecting you.
And Plague, the yellowish green horse on board.
Let it go, it comes back at you.

Plague Boat soon will be making another run
The Plague Boat promises diseases for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new pestilence.

And Plague will kill us more
It’s an

I was using restraint to not post something along those lines, so thank you :)

But, but, he had to sell TWO HOMES! Oh my heavens no! How is this young man going to survive without his multiple homes?!?!. Quick, someone, for the love of cheese, please start a GoFundMe for him!

seeing a lot of folks here who do not treasure their time spent at the dentist

Ran when parked.