On Thursday actress Lupita Nyong’o called out fashion magazine Grazia U.K. for photoshopping her hair, posting side…
On Thursday actress Lupita Nyong’o called out fashion magazine Grazia U.K. for photoshopping her hair, posting side…
Fuck you Piven. I bet he’s been shitting himself for weeks. They all are.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus completed her third round of chemo for breast cancer today with the moral support of her Veep…
Thank you also for the much-needed periodic reminder that Mike Huckabee is garbage.
“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”
Similarly, any time a Muslim attacker turns out to have been abusive to his wife, it’s because he’s Muslim, not because domestic abuse is endemic in every society.
This is now how I respond to other white people. Because when a Muslim or black person or Hispanic person does something awful, they’re a terrorist, jihadist, etc., etc. When a white person does it, they’re mentally ill.
Also, something about how Muslims are bad because of how “they” treat “their” women but you know, white guy beating his wife and child is A-OK!
Once again, The Onion got there first.
Right? Don’t blame this thing I’m doing nothing about, blame this other thing I’m trying to make worse.
Exactly, this is how we know the mental health defense is complete bullshit. Okay, so he’s mentally ill, shouldn’t we be making sure he can’t get a gun? For god’s sake, my grandfather has night blindness and he’s not allowed to drive in the dark. You can treat an eye condition while also not allowing the person to do…
Huh. Probably shouldn’t have signed that bill making it harder for people with mental illness to purchase a gun.
Apparently, Muslims never suffer from mental health issues. When we do something bad, it’s entirely of our own volition. When a white person does something bad, it’s a defect in that otherwise pristine, gorgeous brain of theirs.
It’s not a guns situation, though. He was mentally ill so he could have just as easily used throwing stars, a pick-em-up truck, or illegal immigrants to kill all those people. It’s just that an AR-15 was easier to pick up than a library card. A mere coincidence, surely.
Aside from his moronic nonsense that it’s not about guns, does our dipshit in chief even realize that his willful and spiteful dismantling of Obamacare will make mental health services even more difficult to access? Ugh, he’s such a fool, it makes my head hurt.
“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said as he directed the blame at the behavior of a “very deranged individual [with] a lot of problems over a long period of time.”
Ugh, you are such a vile pig.
So Jackasses like you could run their mouth and rub salt into the wound.
You know what? I’ve never seen it. I did see a lot of John Hughes / Brat Pack shit in the 80s. I mean, Weird Science? Mannequin? Eeesh.