BM Barbie

If this were a black man committed of murder would you be more willing to forgive him or at least accept his remorse as valid? be able to take into account a toxic culture and and broken unjust society that at the very least shaped him and whatever situation he found himself in to commit murder?

Thank you. This guy displayed too much self-awareness to have been oblivious of consent. He just didn’t give a shit about her boundaries.

What stuck with me was him saying, since she was in his bed and the opportunity was there, he just assumed she would be ok with it, even though she never said or did anything to indicate any sexual interest. In fact, until she turned around and got mad at him, he didn’t even realize she was sleeping or that she didn’t

Yes, I agree. Consent and education are key. But, as a man, this man just comes off as still wanting to excuse his own behavior. Even his meek protestations ring hollow and he equivocates on his motives and details of the scenario itself. No person needs to be educated not to touch an unknown sleeping person and no

This is amazing. It really brings home to me how important comprehensive sex education is, especially the parts about CONSENT!

I’m saying his tweets needed help. No one is obligated to consult anyone on their tweets.

Signed someone whose “woke” white friend’s husband jokingly called me a prairie n****r.

Man, those tweets from Cross, reading them I could tell he didn’t run them by Amber. Should have consulted the wife.

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

Just want to give you extra stars for how on point this comment is. Amazing. This should be quoted forever, “We smile at predators to protect ourselves and they tell the world we’re having a good time.” Yes, this has happened to me (and many) zillions of times. I had a horribly abusive boss (who did not sexually

Her point about offering to give him a massage instead of accepting one is so telling. When we’re afraid we bargain and try to give narcissists what they want so we can minimize harm or plan our escape routes. I have no doubt that Weinstein will pretend that Nyong’o happily instigated the encounter. We smile at

Me neither. Which sort of sads me out, because Be Delicious actually smells really good on me. But Whatever I have left in the bottle is what I have left, and its the last penny shes getting from me

I don’t even have my own kids but when I’m with my guy friends and their kids it’s usually just easier for me to do it so they don’t have to do it on some piss covered floor.

No shit, and I know I’m never buying DK again,

Me too! I don’t have children and don’t plan to have any, but putting a changing table in the single use “women’s” room just further pushes these ideas of gender norms that are absolute bullshit.

Ugh, no. I happily welcome transwomen into the ladies bathroom, where they belong, and I’m equally happy to welcome transmen if that’s where they feel safest (or obviously need sanitary products, etc.). But I really hate the idea of bathrooms that aren’t single occupancy (like the ones at Starbucks for example) being

What a waste of bacon.

Anything that moves us forward in this country is a good thing. Meanwhile, Trump is trying to outlaw abortion and start coal mining again, to show how out of step this effed up administration is.