It looks like the bra is pulling the breasts down, not supporting them. That said, a nit: Sports bras don’t actually have underwire do they?
It looks like the bra is pulling the breasts down, not supporting them. That said, a nit: Sports bras don’t actually have underwire do they?
I agree with this, because the sole purpose behind someone threatening to bring their kids to your wedding (as opposed to just not saying anything and DOING it) is that they want to ruin everything. They want to cause you months of angst and worry, and have you spend your entire night worrying about what’ll happen and…
I didn’t miss the sentence. Or the entire paragraph before. It’s obvious that the LW has very strong opinions about their future sister-in-law.
I noticed that too. If Sister/Fiancee is the “shut up to get along” type, that’s understandable in a family dynamic like this, but.
The LW says:
Oh God I needed that laugh. Thank you.
I cannot believe people like this. The bathroom is for pooping! Pooping on a desk? Not okay. Pooping in the conference room? Wrong! Behind a bush? Depends on the situation. In a bathroom? *Always* okay. This is the designated pooping location.
Once I was in the loo at the airport and I farted. A woman in another stall said loudly, “That’s disgusting! Who did that?”. I laughed so hard that I farted again and she declared, “I do not have to listen to this!” and stormed out.
I agree with you! Except:
That’s a waste of water in CA.
Also, courtesy flush. There’s no reason to let your poop linger in the bowl, stinking up the joint. Flush as soon as you poo, people!
Sorry — why are your talking about “parole”? The woman is in Mexico, not jail.
This is good Kinja.
Horseshit like this is why people hate libertarians.
If you’re the owner of that supermarket, you’re covered by insurance and whatever goods those people don’t take are going to be a biological nightmare by the time you reopen the store. What, you thought they’d restock shelves with food that floated around in raw sewage?
I hope you drown in a highly localized flood.
We probably should not be humoring your idiocy, but what exactly is the supermarket going to do with those goods? Are they going to sell old bread and milk when they reopen after the flood?
so let’s divert emergency resources from rescuing people to arresting people for trying to feed themselves.
If I owned the supermarket I would have insurance and I wouldn’t sell flood damaged food. What if you didn’t have the means to evacuate or prepare enough supplies for the storm?