
I mean, if you’re not going to swear at a dude who punches out a 78-year-old man, who the hell are you going to swear at?

Hi Peter, welcome to the Internet.

I am very fucking sorry you feel that way.

I thought I was alone!

Why is Pinkham the only GM writer that gets these kinds of comments? I’m beginning to suspect a relative is involved.

Oh God, my other! Come to my arms!

I think it’s completely gross.

Nutella isn’t even good.

The Buddha is not a god. And the Dalai Lama is not imbued with the spirit of Buddha or any other god. Just the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama before him.

Also, as someone who teaches World Religions and has seen a number of his charming and rambling interviews, the guy’s English is not that great so perhaps he didn’t get the point across as he wished.

The soup of the day is usually Hitler miss, but I’m sure you’ll just Goebbels up today’s gestapo soup.

I’m with you on most of it - excepting fire. We had fire way pre-paleo. There’s evidence of one campfire that’s a million years old. It’s possible we are the species we are (rather than being a lot more chimp/gorilla like) because we had fire to cook things - and so didn’t need the huge length of intestine they have,

Actually, fire-hardened spears are generally believed to predate stone-tipped spears. The latter appeared relatively late in the paleolithic, while fire appears far earlier in the archeological record.

Our ancestors would have killed for AC.

My favorite Effie Brown story:

Paleo is just a low carb diet with a naturalistic fallacy veneer.