
What a smart guy, I love it when people do stuff like this, we need more stuff like this in gaming, like the Arkham Asylum pirate glitch geniuses.

The Resident Evil games that are coming look great, I just think that these games are rush jobs, some of them do look worse than the PSP though. What a joke.

Well it's true I don't have a 3DS because there's barely any software for the platform out, and by screenshots it just doesn't look that exciting (yet) by reading the reviews, everyone says about a week after getting the device they switch the 3D off, the Resident Evil game (revelations not the mercenaries) looks like

Wow, the playstation 2 defeats the 360 in japan, that's amazing, as for the 3DS being beaten by the PSP it's hardly a surprise, the launch titles were just awful, there still isn't anything that is a must buy, and the graphics are about as good as the PSPs (at least at this point). I'm sure when a Pokemon for the 3DS

Wow, live action cut scenes are universally bad, rarely are there any nice ones, but I guess if they have all this money behind them, maybe they'll be able to make them...bearable, or hopefully incredibly awful so we can all gawk.

I'm with you man, I was a fan of Anon, but now they just seem like dicks, especially protecting a dick like Geohot.

Well I buy all my games digitally if I can, because I want to have a library to play on the PSP2 when it gets here ( i have a big backlog...)

that's what I heard. Kinda messed up for a portable system to have it, but I'd be more than happy to download it from the playstation store.

Hey if you add up the PSPgo, it actually did beat the 3DS, which is amazing, I guess games before hardware is really true. This does get me mighty excited for the PSP2 though.

I'm still not sure about the Russian accent on this one. I like it when things get shot though.

I MIGHT be, keep your eyes open...

When I was a kid my brother would always take too long on the NES, it would piss me off something awful, it was smart in that way though because my Parents bought an egg timer, so we could have 30 mins each, then switch.

I run almost exclusively in Nike Frees, Those are the Nike Free + model though with a few stickers on it. ( I prefer the Nike Free 5.0 or 3.0, or my favorite those vibram five finger shoes).

Looking good actually, considering I loved (well hated but couldn't stop playing) super meat boy, I'll have to grab this if the price is right.

I'm in the hate column, that was just in bad taste, I don't really think using sex to sell a Tennis game is really gonna work.

It is a cool tattoo but he'll look funny when he's a grandpa. I guess he could just tell his grand kids he was the only Gaijin ever allowed into the Yakuza...

I'm still hoping they'll call it the PSP2, I love my PSP, and even though people say it's a "failure" it's still sold 67 million units worldwide, and I play on it more than my PS3. The PSP2 (or whatever it's called) is a no brainer for me, especially considering I'm buying all my games digitally to have a nice library

for some reason I have pretty good faith in these numbers, especially since they go down to the first digit and all. I mean 531 ds lites ? How would they come up with that number if they didn't have real time tracking of the consoles?

Wow... the PS3 outsells the Wii three to one, that's crazy. Amazing that the PSP is holding up against the 3DS too. I doubt we'll get any sales figures after this though for a long time... Especially with rolling blackouts... I hope they get their reactors locked down soon.

I've had my PS3 for about three years, and it hasn't had any problems, maybe you've had some bad luck. The only reason why Microsoft decided to warranty their products for longer is because of their atrocious failure rate, which in the gamespot study was 53+ and the PS3s was 10 percent.