
I just bought Wing Commander 4 on PSN for 6 bucks, I haven't really jumped into it yet, but hell, it has MARK HAMILL IN IT! It must be good right? Seeing as the series is so revered it must be. Hell he probably has a better track record with games than he does with movies.

@Jocaju2: Luckily my trip doesn't start till September (a semester abroad), so I'd love to get this feature. I'd totally grab a vaio over another laptop brand for this. And with the Free Media Go software my PSP won't be limited to 8 gigs either. I love what they're doing with the playstation network, I mean even

I'm in the market for a new laptop for a trip, if I can get remote play when I'm away and watch the movies/blu-rays I have at home on my computer a world away it might make me pay a few extra dollars to get this.

@murderface_: I'm from Ottawa, and don't worry about mispronunciations, because the dev studio that makes NHL games is Canadian.

YES! This is a smart move.

looks like an interesting one for the tech alone, it doesn't look like much of a "game". I guess those head tracking cameras are good for something eh?

Obviously they've got their corporate guys trying to keep the stock owners a little bit happier, but everyone knows the truth of security guards being sent to the offices of their "independent" studios, and firing two people one month before a 36 million dollar pay out, they are the corporate overlords and everyone

@Floreum: Well, seeing as the console market keeps getting bigger it wouldn't hurt for them to do it. I mean they'll probably be making a ton of money on the PC version, I doubt it would cost that much to make a port of it, they'd make enough to break even at least.

I love this game, I can't believe how much time I've spent on it, over 1000 hours overall I think.

@DarkShock91: it didn't more than double it now that you mention it. In North america it the 360 version would need to sell another million to double those copies sold on the ps3, and another 4 million to do the same worldwide. Arkham Asylum sold better on PS3, in NA, and many other games are almost the same with the

I wonder what the share holders are going to do to Kotick. When their revenue tanks. Well done sir, well done.

@Hamster Poop: Ahh, I'm on Rogers. It seems like it's some cruel joke to want telecommunication service here without paying an arm and a leg. Luckily the new cell phone guys coming in will at least make them a little more competitive.

@maraxusofk: It looks like the gaming consumer base is becoming a little more diverse eh? Just think, this is a profitable game, that means more shall come. Way to go Quantic Dream / Sony. I would buy a sequel.

That seems like a bull comment from Kojima. It should be like "with the extra money we make from these product placements, we can deliver a more polished game due to the extra revenue"

Just check out Canada, I used to have unlimited internet, but now they capped it to 60 gigs a month after which they charge more. My household regularly goes over. That is a rip off.

@Orochi_Yagami: ahh alright, thanks for the info, must have gotten mixed up. I'll be interested to get a 400gb game. They would be great for Full Tv series as well.

@The_Lone_Rangers: yep, a new firmware update should tell your blu-ray player how to play them, they even said the 16 layered blu-rays that philips made that go to 400 Gb + could run on current blu-ray players with firmware updates.

Hardcore gamers don't like using intruments that aren't precise. If they make move 1 to 1 like they say they will, it will be just like a mouse. No one likes to die because of poor controls, especially someone who knows how to play. Imagine an online competative shooter on the Wii with all that lag. I would break my

I watch videos on the Net with my PS3 all the time, I don't really mind it. That's just the comedy network though. I mean who go on facebook with their console anyways? It's stupid.

@haran_elessar: Of course not, the DS sells well because it's aimed at children, and the PSP isn't. That younger audience is happy with another remake of MarioKart of Pokemon, and they do very well in that market Sony markets their device to adults, and sadly I don't think it can cut it as an adult device without some