
@Benguin: you've got a point, having not played all the way through 7, but enjoying it so far, I'm not sure why people so desperately want to buy that game over again. If they want to they should just release the original game with a gold seal on it or something and they'd probably sell a million....

Great to see U2 keep getting rewarded for naughty dog's great work, If they announced the third one today I would put my money on the barrel now!

@Psudonym: Haha, I like your thinking!

@Psudonym: Yeah he deserved it, he was solid on everything, but he only won because Evgeni bobbled on his 3axel , though if you listen to all the skaters talking about it and the announcers, it's the "transitions" and in between skating that make the difference, even though they were essentially tied on that point,

@RyanXP: I just really like the D-pad, and have always played MVC2 with it, so it just seems like I'm cheating on my poor lonely Dreamcast if I get this on ps3... but of course I will, because it has online and updated graphics.

Would be nice to upgrade from my Dreamcast version... that's totally legal of course...

If they played the movies in the movie theatre like Netflix, then perhaps I'd go into home.

@Psudonym: Thanks a lot, I'm pretty much retired now though, paying for it myself is kinda killer, especially being in school, most high level skaters I know are uneducated sadly... it means they're stuck in that world of figure skating forever! It was a trip to meet all those skaters though and train with them.

@Psudonym: scoring is a combination of short and long, so if you lose one component you can still win overall, like the pairs, the first team was ahead enough in the short program to manage that mistake they had in the long and still win. They just add the scores together, which is way less complicated than the old

@Heart Mint: Too true he did, and he's sitting in seventh place after stepping out of his 3axel, and tripping on his footwork. He was planning a quad for the Olympics, but was injured earlier this year after getting swine flu (pulled his left calf) so he couldn't get it ready in time. No question, if he had done a

@Psudonym: It's true, watching Plushenko is not nearly as nice as watching some of the other guys in the event, but technically he's the master, and having him do the sword thing at the end of his program made me laugh, because everyone wants him to fail so bad, but he's first right now.

I'm a skater and trained with him when he was in Canada at a training site in a famous video game city, Barrie Ontario where two children left home due to video game idiocy (one died from exposure if you remember). He's a really nice guy, and got a DUI for riding a mo-ped while under the influence in Japan.

@Solid2TheSnake: they had already released it without the online component, I would love to see it out there, and the way they changed the controls was just to have an attack button and you have to face your opponent, like zelda style.

I'm so excited for this game, I hope they release it on consoles as well, because I don't think my poor PC can run it. Also blizzard get off your butt and release Diablo as a PSoneclassic already, I loved that game, and would love it on the bus loaded on my psp.

@heromoua: I was like you... until I bought the God of War Collection, and now I'm getting this day one. The first two are some of my favorite games, (the gameplay is simply spectacular, and games today like bayonetta etc. are trying to capture the magic, but they can't crack it).

Hey, that Heavy Rain demo was pretty interesting, even though I was worried about the control scheme, it actually makes your mind bend a little bit, but in a good way. Waiting for this one for sure.

Wow, out of the two I'm leaning towards Bioshock 2, although the gameplay in Dante's is fun, I might as well wait for the king GOW3 coming out next month. As for Bioshock 2 I might HAVE to buy it, because I wrote a final essay on the first one, and if the early reviews are to be believed it's pretty darn good. I just

@Malloc: I would like to see that in games like.... GTA, if you "see" a prostitute and don't use a condom you get "a disease" that slowly depletes your health for the rest of the game. And pisses off your girlfriend of course. At least it would convey the message that safe sex is important.