
@Knoxximus ver. 5.66: Sweet, I've had my copy for a while. This is a nice tribute to Michael, and his shoes are awesome.

@Maritan: I've looked at that picture and I only see тир, where's the тирная галерея?

@bmart008: whoops, the first picture is "shoot" not peace, damn you lower case t looking like an M.

@BrokkenKeuyboardd: The one with kids is "in amazing world attractions" then lots of names in the background, it was probably an add for an arcade or amusement park. The couple on the paddle boat says water bicycle. - Maybe that was the precursor to hydro thunder.

I'm so upset I missed out on this Museum when I was in Moscow, perhaps I could have played the classic water bicycle (pic no. 3). Or peace, (the first picture shoot em up game).

I got Resident Evil 5 from my brother, but I think it's because he really wants to play it. I think I'll grab the God of War Collection on boxing day.

Awesome they got Vagrant Story, now... to the American store! (hopefully soon!)

@ethanlechcharles: Very true. And I'm still someone who sees GTA4 as a boring annoying game, so I guess there are always critics being a little generous.

that Eidos pack is amazing, like 250 dollars worth of games for 49.99 including arkham asylum. that is truly epic.

I did love the demo, not so sure about the ad, but I don't find it offensive. At least they're trying something different with the adds for this game, even though they're not all hitting the point, it is getting to be known as the game with the wacky adds (but it is getting known).

Don't go to this movie to see the story, because it's Pocahontas in space, though it's not a bad version of that. Go to see it in 3D and see that it is the future of movies. And I truly believe that film will jump on this technology, because it gives them something you can't experience at home (yet!).

For anyone who saw Avatar in 3D, do you think that the experience could be reproduced at your home or with games, and it would really catch on?

@Spoony: I guess I'm just not so keen on renting, I don't rent current gen games, and I like the idea of having something that's mine, I guess it must be some caveman possession mentality. (even though I can't touch it).

I wonder what they'll add in this time, I have the 3000, and I love it, skype was an excellent feature and it's my free worldwide communicator when I'm traveling, but what could they add this time I wonder? Maybe UMD and a hard drive?

I've bought 12 psone classics just this year and I've probably spent 70 dollars (or more) on them. Won't offering that for free with a subscription just eat away at their profits? Discounts on the store would be nice as well, but still, that seems like a bad move to me. Imagine all those people who bought FF7 (and

That is a truly epic update, those Metal Gear PSP games must be a relief for those who bought a PSPgo, and wanted to play those from the series, I'm getting FF8 for sure, but all these PSone classics are filling up my hard drive! 1.78 gigs for FF8!

I would release all my old titles for digital downloads on the networks of the three gaming consoles. They're code that's just sitting there, release them and make more revenue. Use that money to reinvest in new iterations of that franchise, for instance the Oddworld games selling on PSN, the money should go towards a

Lol I am one who has tons of old comics from the 80s and those adds are in every freaking one of em.

@Lonesnipa: Because Spaniards are white Europeans and were dressing up in traditional spanish dancing clothes to be tango zombies. The African zombies wearing grass skirts and throwing spears was.... out dated to say the least.

I like it how it is now, but then again I usually buy a game (usually a psone classic) each week. Now if they had steaming on demand tv episodes for a monthly fee I might pay it, because I hate the cable companies. (as long as they get that working up here in Canada).