
wow, snake's going to strangle sack boy after he outperformed him! - Good Job for media molecule, they've become real darlings of the industry, hopefully that means they'll continue making great innovative games like this and not get bogged down with sequels like so many other studios have.

i want another guitaroo man, i love you guitaroo man, please come back!

imagine how many dreamcast titles they could load onto a blue-ray disk... that would be AMAZING! or ofcourse i could just torrent them and play them in my dreamcast..... or...... i mean... pay mucho dinero for the originals on ebay :) (actually did with Shemue, sigh....)

this game looks great, but does anyone know if it's coming on the psp?

i'm loving my Guitaroo man for PSP right now, so that's gotta be up there, other than that, the metal gear solid series of music (great for running with the ipod), zelda theme, shadow of the colossus, there's some great music out there i'm sure i'm missing most of it.....

sounds interesting, but i think that if they run competing formats most gaming companies will stay away from it, i'm sure in a recession competing formats don't really pan out too well. What company right now could take the risk?

I want a Jack Thompson "you're going to become a serial murderer for playing too many first person shooters" trophy.

How many of those are RROD units sitting in MS warehouses? I heard that every unit sent back to the customer is counted another unit sold. With the first gen chip set at over a 33% failure rate, i'd like to see how many consoles are actually in homes being played.