Only against a cracker, so I fully support it.
Only against a cracker, so I fully support it.
I agree, and considering 12 Americans have walked on the moon, that's pretty impressive.
Luckily for Clint, Americans didn't bail out Chrysler; Italians did.
I'll go back to the point that she's imagined by a guy in the commercial. Any complaint of yours should be taken up with him and his nerdy glasses.
That wasn't the impression I or most of the women I saw it with had. Here's the translation.
Try hoping for Fernando Torres. He doesn't choke in the World Cup.
So just to be clear, Jezebel decided the Abarth ad showing a strong, confident woman in a fantasy is worse than an entire grandstand of bikini-clad women in the Kia ad?
It's not a competition.
Hate to tell everyone, but the man in the Abarth add isn't turning a woman into a car. He's turning a car into a woman. The woman only exists in his mind. It's not exactly a new method of storytelling, this idea of turning objects into those we desire sexually.
See above.
Looks always came after performance for Abarths. That's nothing new.
Wikipedia is always a good place to start. []
You might read up on what the Abarth badge means before making such comments.
Can't fault the Giants fans' logic. Last night Eli did rule.
Hmmm. 1 Merc, 1 Audi, 1 Porsche, 1 Lotus, 1 something, and 1 Dodge to 5 BMWs. And none of those cars was blocking a fire hydrant.