Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now)

It’s okay, it’s not for everyone. I personally love satire and making things up – not to deceive, but for fun. Still we have plenty of non-satirical stuff you can enjoy. Just skip over these, if you want – they should all have the SATIRE tag so you can spot them.

There is the option of not reading or commenting on it.

I hear Elio is going to submit a prototype for President Trump. . .

Oh dear, what will the new Jalopnik currency be if we no longer have V6 Mustangs?!


Can we talk about how they turned the air vent grill into the entire dash in a way that looks so fucking good?

What a prick. This is on par with those crybabies that try to pay their speeding tickets in pennies.

I guess it depends on how they define operable. its currently not legal to drive like that so it would be easy to argue that it is not an operable vehicle.

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Still no.

All they care about is ‘taking the country back’ from some weird alliance that exists in their head between the Republican Party, Wall Street and ethnic/sexual minorities.

So let me get this straight, the people that voted for this guy are supposed to be for limited regulation and free market capitalism, right? And they are praising him for controlling the market like some dictator using arbitrary criteria?

This year has been a wild ride.

I fixed it. We need to go deeper.

Jalop, the word is jalop.