Benny the potato

I’m sure those people are busy reading gizmodo instead of being sincere criminals...

Why di I feel to urge to install this version on my machine? Less games (mostly crap), less apps and services which for me are already “unavailable for your region”, and more admin/security settings? Now that’s got me written all over it!

Typical google (and other tech companies), always killing off stuff once you get used to it. :(

So you mean a team of people with a highly tested piece of code and god knows what processing power beat a man at a game that requires a lot of pre-planning of moves. Wow that’s very fair.

It ran 8.990... at least that’s what I think they shout at the end! Put your sound waaay up high at 1:27.

I think you should not write “Cheap”, cause an expensive cable if incorrectly wired will do the same.

HUGE NEWS! said no one ever. lol as if we care what button is doing in his private life!

Stupidest and worst waste of time I ever saw in my life. Not worthy of any news yet gizmodo features it.

Is that how i sound while riding my motorbike? lol EXACTLY the same sounds.

I’ve sea-n it too