
I can really appreciate your enthusiasm for learning to do all this stuff. You jump right in and take on projects that more experienced folks might not. Then you whack the starter with a hammer to fix an intermittent electrical connection. And it works. You know what would happen to me? I would whack it and it would

“I hate cars.” I never thought I’d understand why someone would string those three words together. Now, after trying

I’d get the most optioned one I could and stay away from ABC suspension.

Bruh, go read the review I wrote last year. I agree with you on all counts. Problem is your average buyer clearly doesn’t. Nobody here is complaining about the 4C, I think it’s the best.

Why Buy This Expensive Road Network when The Allies Can Decimate it and Pay for a Better Replacement?

The front:

The mid-engined 1991 Audi Quattro Spyder Concept didn’t turn into anything, but it sure looked good. It’s like an R8 but 15 years early.

I’m also very happy to announce that with this, Maggie is going to be one of Jalopnik’s regular columnists. She spends most of her time writing novels but expect to see a lot more of her writing here soon!

People keep asking for it. I am now officially considering it.

It sucks for me that Roselli is the busiest man in the universe making a lot of our excellent videos, and that he happens to be a damn good writer and still shooter as well. I just need him to clone himself.

Thank you! More to come.

I’ll definitely find out if it’s fun or not. If it’s going against the 3 Series it had damn well better be.

My favorite glove combo involves two layers: