
I just want to say that if the apocalypse occurs, I hope you are close by, because I can’t run as fast as I used to and would likely be hauling a small child. So, you and your cat just falling over like that to distract the zombies would actually help me out a lot.

I played the shit out of Lumines right around the PSP’s launch (partly because there wasn’t a whole helluva lot worth playing at the time besides Ridge Racer and Ape Escape: On the Loose) and always hit a wall fairly quickly.

I remember working at GameStop and people were buying this just so they could revert their PSP firmware for hacks and whatnot which drove up the used price and people kept asking me why it was so expensive, ha. I eventually got my own copy, but to play, not to hack (still own it!).

Now playing

It will definitely not have Heavenly Star though.

Oh yes pls

Shinin shinin shinin shinin.....

Getting a nice Company of Heroes vibe from it.

was honestly not expecting it to look this damn good.

God I’d love a third season of Silver Spoon. Which reminds m I need to finish the second.)

I missed out on most anime this year, but then again I’m just getting more back into it. Little Witch Academia is a fun series for sure that I cannot wait for more. Otherwise right now I’m mostly wishing for a third season of Silver Spoon.


Now playing

A game that has been so deserving of a rerelease on modern systems. If Sega won’t make an HD version then BC is the next best thing. Holds up so much better than the original (which got an HD release) i still go back and play it every couple of months because i love it so much.

I’ll cry when I get to play this again.

Like this is even a contest: