
@JuJuMonkeyBoy: I'm not sure, it would just be streaming app store games anyway, so I don't see how it could hurt. Hell, you should be able to just stream your whole screen if you wanted to post Tweets from your TV or whatever else.

@4nth0ny: I mean a real app. They could essentially turn the AppleTV into a box top, netflix streaming, media gallery, game console... all for 99 bucks? I can't see them not doing this somewhere down the road.

If you can stream movies, pics, etc from iOS devices... I don't see why you can't stream game video to the TV and use your iOS device to control the game. Kind of disappointed we didn't see something like this!

@Bs Baldwin: It can when you're using fake cheese, disgusting chicken, and a pathetic excuse for bacon. Really really awful.

@adamz: Really? Then why am I seeing countless articles written just over a week ago saying that Microsoft MIGHT be in the process of developing one?

Unfortunately I broke my 10+ year streak of not eating KFC to try to the stupid double-down, just because it was so ridiculous. It was utterly disgusting. I'd have to kill at least an entire 24 rack to myself before that sounds like a remotely good idea.

@Rincewind: It means it comes with some crap pre-installed. There's no ZuneHD appstore to add more shit.

@VIDEcorMEUM: Apple would have no reason to block it from the App Store, and you can be sure the Swype guys would not spend months working on a project if they didn't already know it'd be approved.

@Zonky: All of this. Exactly.

@FlyingPuppet: That's true, but the windows version we're currently using is like six years old, so we were due for an upgrade soon anyway I'd think.

@VIDEcorMEUM: The makers of Swype have already confirmed they're working on bringing Swype to iOS... why would we need some cheap clone?

@phideltroot: Eh, mine's fallen off crap several times (the damn thing is slippery!) and is totally fine.

@Bixmen: I mean real control, not changing of songs/episodes/whatever. FULL control

Would controlling the AppleTV with an iOS device pretty much guarantee that the AppleTV has apps? Either way, I'm really hoping for some sort of AppleTV update.

Well the fact that only 42% of Americans own smartphones probably has something to do with it.

@Serolf Divad: Is that supposed to be some sort of deterrent? Cause that's a fuckin' rad name.