
@tylerbrainerd: Fair enough. I think my brain must just absorb more shit or something, because I'm generally doing like ten things at once and can retain any pertinent information from all of them.

@D.LYTE: Quit posting comments online and lets go build a fort out of pillows and blankets. Who's with me?

@Denver: Really? I only had brief experiences with it in college (some of my suitemates had it in our living room), but I remember it once said something like "You recently recorded NY Giants vs. Seattle Seahawks. Based on this, we recorded 12 episodes of Will and Grace for you."

@jayrock423: You realize you're on Gizmodo right? Just sayin'.

Wouldn't this just force the human brain to adapt to be able to absorb information more quickly, making us more intelligent in the long run?

@Clarox: Fish, and plankton, and sea greens, and protein from the sea.

Hey. You there in the writer's outfit. WHERE IS LOGAN'S RUN?

@iomegaman5: Oh. Well... shit. That sucks. Hahaha. Mine has fallen many times from much higher distances and is perfectly fine. Maybe I just lucked out.

@moonshadowkati: I'm not saying there's no sense in that... but there's also no history to back it up. Apple has (for the most part) always tried to keep the iPod Touch current with the iPhone after each of their refreshes.

@iomegaman5: I've dropped my iPhone 4 a good 6 or 7 times from at least 4 feet up onto incredibly hard surfaces and have yet to dent/crack/chip/break anything on it.

@moonshadowkati: I realize it's probably not likely right off the bat, but would it really be that hard? It seems like a REALLY simple concept, especially when taking into consideration that all FaceTime chat is done over WiFi (for the time being).

If I can make FaceTime calls to anyone with an iPod touch... fuckin sweet. If they somehow incorporate FaceTime into iChat and allow cross-device video chat from all such Apple devices, I may need a new set of undies.

*Fingers Crossed* New AppleTV/iTV please. Released same day. Given to me for free.

To answer your question, it's being rebranded as GaGarage Band.

@BlunderBus: Honestly, I think it should be illegal either way.

@phamm: No. No he doesn't. Haha. There's several Brian Andersons in my area as well, actually. However, upon searching my name and city on google, my twitter page was the second to come up. Weird.

@Jeff: Well, Jeff Snarfamoduakaeiad, I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Back in my day, we didn't have enough nerf guns to play with... so we just made teams and ran around in the streets beating each other with hockey sticks/bats/sticks/etc and throwing whatever we could pick up at each other. It was called midget wars. I'm not joking. How none of us were seriously injured or killed is a

Hah, my facebook is 90% drunken photos and I work for my dad. Suck it, Colbert.

Generally not a big fan of google, but this is actually pretty fuckin sweet.