
@lpranal: ... that was the joke.

@Maave: Eh, I have the same computer anyway haha, I was just kind of surprised no one was bitching about it, considering the general amount of anti-Apple comments on here.

I'm surprised no one has bitched yet that they're all using Apple computers. Hah.

Crest Company Memo - August 2010:

Oh god. It makes me sad when "look, we can do what Apple did!" makes the news... especially when it's the same resolution on a much larger screen. Neat, I can put a 960x640 resolution on an IMAX theater and claim it's retina display-matching.

@Lord_Data ∞: In some aspects, yes. In other aspects, everyone has been playing catchup to Apple's iPhone since it first came out in 2007. Notice how just about every major phone coming out looks similar to and mimics the features of it?

@RuckingFetard: I feel that your post should have ended with KAPOW or SHAZAM or something.

If I were to get a tablet, it'd definitely be an iPad... but that's more just because I already have a MacBook, a MacBook pro, two iPods, an iPhone, and I run IT for a company that uses 95% Apple products. It just makes sense to have all my stuff play together nicely and simply.

@zross312: Well Antarctica is 95% ice to begin with. There's almost zero land there. Most of it is displacing water, which was why I posed the original question. Between yours and the other explanations though, I see where my logic was flawed. Well... the logic was fine, but the science was flawed. You get the idea.

@Pook365: Haha so I've noticed. I appreciate the explanations though. I wasn't trying to say the sea levels rising doesn't happen, I was just trying to understand why, because logically in my head, what I said made sense.

@Arken: I didn't say I don't believe it. I presented what seemed to me to be a somewhat logical counter-argument and wanted to see why it wasn't true. Hence the "someone explain this to me". Walrus dude explained it to me. We're cool.

@Hello Mister Walrus: This is exactly the type of response I was looking for. Thank you.

@wagnerrp: I'm well aware that they're floating. If you put a massive object into water, it displaces said water and raises the water level. Water GREATLY expands when it turns into ice, so if icebergs (which are 90%) underwater melted, they would be displacing considerably less water than before. Would this not

@Arken: Antarctica is 95% ice. It's not like it's sitting on a huge land mass. If the ENTIRE Greenland ice sheet melted, the ocean would only raise a few feet (which I still believe would only counter-balance the smaller amount of water displaced with icebergs melting and would even itself out).

@Arken: We are talking about polar glaciers right? What do you think they're ON?

@Arken: Right, but 90% of that ice is underwater already, including the glaciers.

Uhh... isn't the space taken up by ice significantly greater than that of water? When water freezes, it forms into a crystal structure and expands. That's why you can't leave an unopened can of liquid in the freezer, yes?

@Zanzan42: Even if I wasn't, it kind of works in both ways. If someone won't hire me because of something on my facebook (pics from a party, what I "like", etc), then that's not the kind of company I'd ever want to work for in the first place. It helps both parties weed out what they don't want.

@Live N Learn: Thanks. I have no idea about any of this stuff, so I appreciate it haha. I still feel like I'm probably not missing out on much by skipping Piranha 3-D though.

@Live N Learn: Most of them look awful though. Although I think I saw a new RE trailer the other day for a 3D one. That would be pretty freakin sweet. Jovoovovovovovovich.