
Careful, workplace sexual harassers, every time you slap her ass, it uploads your location to Places on Facebook.

Yeah, fuck the environment! I don't want to suffer the incredibly mild inconvenience of a noisy chip bag!

@BigDogues: You know what Haagen-Dazs translates to?

And to compete, the next version of OS X will be 10.7: FireLeopard-TittyExplosion-DestroyerofWorlds-TedNugent.

Sounds like a neat addition to Facebookfoursquaremyspace. That's what we're calling it now, right? Might as well throw Google in there, with the amount of data collection and stalking going on.

@Wwhat: Fair enough.

Are people really arguing about this? I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that the ps3 had a more powerful processor and better graphics?

Just another reason to add to my list of reasons to punch john mellancamp in the face.

That's a neat iPad.

@Ben Longo: Just saw the site/mascot. You were right, totally awesome. Haha.

@ThrillHill: People have been doing cyber online for like what... 15+ years? Not like teenagers didn't do that too. I just don't get the whole attitude in the first place. Humans (and all mammals?) are sexual. It's how we reproduce. I can't really think of a more natural thing, other than eating, sleeping, etc. Why

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Really? I was just going to say I hated it. Reminds me of hipsters, which reminds me of everyone who lives in Seattle, which reminds me of why I drink.

@ThrillHill: Haha no fair enough, and I'm not saying I don't make phonecalls obviously... I make plenty. I'm just tired of journalists acting like the world is ending because kids are sending text messages. Do you see any of them complaining that email has overtaken faxes in the workplace? It's faster, it's simpler,

@bitslammer: I can't find the chart I had earlier when I was looking this shit up, but it showed RIM at nearly 80% in 2008, and they're now down to around 67% and still decreasing, while more and more corporations are looking at Apple & Google for mobile solutions. Will continue looking for article.

@Rosewater: Oddly enough, I saw some of his acoustic stuff and his voice sounded way better than auto-tuned. I think they just do it because that's what's commercially successful right now. Kid also writes a lot of his songs, plays guitar, and is a hell of a drummer. He went from singing in his bedroom to being a

@LastOne: Are you saying that instead of sending email or using skype/video chat, all businessmen should conduct all communications in person?

@moonshadowkati: WHAT? When did this happen? Are you trying to say that people like sex? And they communicate!? And sometimes they even communicate about sex? What an astounding find! I am absolutely positive that neither talking nor sex existed before text messaging, and I must say that I am appalled that teenagers

@thedeadparrot: No, I do the same thing. I mean I do send plenty of texts that just say "K" or "Yup", but you'll never see me send "Kk c u l8r @ skewl roflolmao XD!"