
oh, one more thing. if your realtor sucks, jump ship and find someone who can get things done.

this tip only applies after you have found a house you like, but here goes: don’t use an ATM to deposit anything since they sometimes do not include an image of the transaction.

the realtor will take a chunk of out the sale. you won’t need to make a separate payment to the realtor. My realtor made around $2600 off of me, but I don’t know how these things are calculated. I bought my house for $156,000 and I have no idea if the realtor’s take is a percentage of the sale value, a percentage of

not a damn thing! i just moved my last couple of things into my new house today. urgh.

these exist. i bought one on ebay. sadly it has sold out, although there are other similar pins available.

I’ve loved Star Wars for 20 years (I’m 34) and ONLY JUST NOW realized how preposterous the ending of this movie is. the empire tracked the falcon to Yavin 4. would have used the death star to destroy yavin 4 if the rebels hadn’t blown it up in the nick of time.

do you actually hate bunnies or is that some sort of reference?

Minneapolis has been anywhere from 3 fahrenheit and 10 fahrenheit the last few days. just got a bunch of snow too.

what the hell?

you don’t think margaret cho faces shit? wow. that’s just dumb.

how long are you going to be a communicator? the first time a man asks you about sexual harassment? the second? the third? forever? how much energy do you have for this? infinite? what if they show a sense of entitlement to your time in order to have those conversations?

think of it as... someone who was bullied in junior high. years later they meet up with their bully again. that bully says hey i think I may have done some shitty things to you.... can you tell me how or why all the things I did might have been bad?

aaaaaaaagh you are so right. Tilda let Marvel off the hook way to easy. I do not believe that Marvel tried their best to do justice to these casting choices.

“Swinton is still giving way too much credit to the filmmakers, and, I think, eliding a bit of her own role in the whole thing. She took a role that could’ve gone to an Asian person. And if the filmmakers were really trying *that* hard, they could’ve found a way to do that role without it being a stereotypical mess.”

I get the feeling Tilda may have been looking for a pat on the back. like... for Margaret to give her some credit for even asking in the first place and say “you are such a great white person to even care about this at all!”

looking at the historical significance of something is a hell of a lot different from knowing about a controversy that has been going on in the last couple of months. Knowing that there has been backlash and saying “thank you” does not mean Swinton actually looked into the cultural history of whitewashing.

you could read a book!

two way street isn’t a very good phrase to be using. it implies equal time or attention for each races’s point of view which I don’t think we should do.