
“We should be allowed to joke and mock anything, everything, all the things, without limits”

And without consequences, which is where the bitterness comes from. There is no law that says I have to find your unfunny business funny. Nor that I can’t talk about how unfunny it is.

Watched it yesterday. No worse than “Ice Pirates,” not quite as good as “Krull.”

I cannot imagine Snyder fans reacting well to a movie in which fascists are the bad guys.

“actually okay”

I have a little more faith in The Guardian’s review:

This is the problem: if you are going to leave off classics like “Die Hard” and “Lethal Weapon” (presumably in an attempt to be “edgy” or something) then you are left with the unavoidable conclusion that there are maybe seven decent Christmas movies, and the rest of your list is barely even filler.

So Snyder’s two least-liked movies are the two in which the fascists are not the heroes? His whole aesthtetic appears to appeal to very specific audience, no?

An insult to the collective intelligence of its audience. Without wishing to spoil anything, two barely competent protagonists are able to circumvent security at one of the most secure facilities in the world using a “ruse” that wouldn’t get you past a bouncer at Hooters. Lazy writing from beginning to end. Not a

otherwise it would come across as worryingly pro-fascism”

Isn’t this the defining characteristic of his entire oeuvre? I assume the Imperium will be the good guys?

Mesrine too?

Surely, this was always going to be the punchline.

They had me at “Jon Benthal.”

I’m sort of in the same place. And I’m sorry, but there’s a lot of stuff on this list that doesn’t rise above the level of “filler.” Maybe a dozen genuinely good songs?

I believe you are operating from a fundmental misapprehension about what constitutes news.

“Tim Allen behaves like a bitch” is not news.

“Tim Allen has moment of decency” on the other hand...

Anyone else picturing Lear two weeks ago sitting in his armchair, muttering “I am going to outlast that evil prick Kissinger if it’s the last thing I do”?

Congratulations, Norman.

Not sure I buy “Boyz N the Hood” as a gangster movie. If you wanted something from that era, “New Jack City” is a better fit. “American Gangster” from a few years later was solid, if a little formulaic.

Also, “King of New York” is a goddamn masterpiece. 

Except she didn’t say that Jews rund the media. She asked why the western media consistently sided with Israel over Palestine. There are numerous explanations, from the western media’s consistent inability to identify with oppressed people and reflexicve support on oppression to the fact that western media just likes

I read it more as western media always sides with white people in a conflict with brown people.

“How much for the little girl?”

Look. if you’re just going to ignore John Belushi laying waste to the buffet in Animal House, and “Let’s see if you can guess what I am now...” I refuse to take you seriously.

I will never understand the love some people have for “Gladiator,” a film of cartoonish villains and even more cartoonish heroes. The scenes in the arena were just ok (especially if you’ve ever watched Spartacus, which did the arena thing with more style and actually had something to say).