
I am loathe to leave any comment, because it will only encourage more recaps of this show, but... It is really hard for me to tell whether Depp’s flat, vacant performance is a deliberate acting choice or a lack of ability. It’s hard to tell because I have no idea what, if anything, this show is trying to say. Right

I just rewatched Spartacus, which is sort of notorious for having the worst first three episodes of any hit series. I stuck it out because a couple of people I respected raved about it, and of course the time investment paid off handsomely. Spartacus developed into a superior television show, with plots and characters

R.I.P.D. isn’t completely unwatchable”

Hard disagree. I tried to watch it on a plane. Managed about an hour. If there hadn’t been 50 other movies to choose from I would have jumped.

This list is better than most, I guess.

I would like to convey my (possibly irrational) dislike for The Shawshank Redemption, which I know has one of the all-time IMDB scores. I found it merely ordinary the first time I watched it -- a little mawkish, but no worse than 100 other movies I saw that year -- but since then I have come to dislike it with a fiery

It’s no “The Meg” that’s for sure.

Seriously, I wish he would just name the guy. First of all, whoever it was does not deserve the protection of anonymity. And second, it just sets off this vomit of projection and uninformed speculation with everyone guessing it’s their least favorite Hollywood A-lister and lots of (possibly) innocent people get

Technical and scientific arguments in the comments notwithstanding, how about we just grant people the simple dignity of addressing them the way they want to be addressed? It costs nothing and means so much. Why that should make you so hostile is perhaps something you should seek help understanding.

Here’s the thing about CEOs: they like to be in control. In a lot of businesses (including movie-making) you can control costs but you can’t control revenues — which are dependent on whether the product you have spent millions developing actually connects with the audience you are marketing it to. And so they focus

Yes, there’s a 6-minute tracking shot in the first season that is both logistically impressive and thematically important. I find a lot of oners gratuitous and showy, but this one was justified and superbly executed.

I am so happy that I do not inhabit the same world in which you obviously live. It seems like a sad place with a very narrow spectrum of acceptable behaviors/attitudes/creative options.

You know you could leave, and experience a world that is broader, brighter and more colorful, right? 

Grosse Point Blank is probably the most obvious omission for me.

But I’ll throw Pump Up the Volume into the mix too, with all its cool Leonard Cohen tracks.

Maybe the word “idiot” is not helpful in this context. But they are clearly, from the beginning of the show to the end, massively, almost incomprehensibly incompetent.

Not one of them is capable, in any way, of functioning in either the real world or the business realm. Kendall screws up multiple attempts to take over

Yeah, but it worked so well for Buzz Feed, why wouldn’t you copy it?

It’s inoffensive. Sort of like that Dennis Quaid movie where Manhattan floods or freezes over or whatever. I might watch it again now that I’ve been reminded of its existence. 

I get why most of the movies on this list are forgotten. But “Con Air” is one of those movies I personally find very rewatchable... I guess it’s a guilty pleasure, but it also seems pretty ubiquitous on streaming platforms and cable TV and seems to have become part of the pop culture zeitgeist.

Elvis Presley’s song appears to be about a dog.

Big Mama Thornton’s version.... does not.

There are 3 types of song on this list:

Yeah, that in itself should have made it number one on this list.

The Shield has perhaps the best first episode of any TV show, and almost certainly the best last episode. In between, there was a lot of good stuff and some pretty mediocre stuff and some pure filler, which... fair enough.

But the last episode, from that long pause before Vic starts to tell his story to the