
No. Fuck no. Triple-axle-double-somersault fuck no.  


...why the fuck is Jezebel giving any attention to people like Jeffree Star and Jake Paul? And why the fuck is this the only place that I ever hear about them?

I will be perfectly ok if I never hear about Walmart Liberace or his cheap ass Halloween makeup again.

his own aquarium poop trail

She worked 8 days a week!

citation needed

This ASTOUNDS me. Like, how did you not fucking realize this would be a really terrible idea? I know in the scheme of things in the world, this doesn’t matter, but this level of stupidity just takes my breath away. I am not a monarchist by any means, it’s more: if you’re gonna be in their employ, you know the rules of

This. I think Sansa is still a bit terrified of Arya.

I thought it might have been the same actor just smiling like a human being...