
Actually, I promise you that sometimes there is nothing that doctors can do about the pain and disability. But, there are a lot of options for women who have secondary dysmennoreah. But unless you have really good health insurance and an understanding and modern gynecologist, those options will not be forthcoming to

If I had the confidence of a jared kushner, I would buy the top of the line Apple computer then replace the software with Windows!!!

and I pee in the shower.

I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!

Me too! I thought she was SMG’s mom or something

And here little kid me thought Captain Planet villains were stupid and unrealistic...

Forever and ever, amen.


Leggings are the way, the truth, and the light.

As a Canadian watching from afar, I still don’t understand why people are bringing religion into this. The US is where people say “separation of church and state”, right? That’s a thing you supposedly have? Am I taking crazy pills?

Damn, you took an *extra* bit of offense to this one. I hope you’re gonna be alright.

Don’t forget the rogue nation of Agrabah! 

We’re dealing with a narcissistic lunatic who has resurrected white supremacy and has two actual Nazis in his administration. You’ve got nothing to feel bad about.

MY ENTIRE CHILDHOOD. Sorry, this article brought up a gang of emotion.

Along with the you speak good English crap is this question. Where are you from???? Then the follow up, no really, where are you from.

The problem with very dumb people is they assume everyone around them is as dumb as they are, if not dumber. The irony of intelligent people who scratched and scraped their whole careers to reach the top of their game now being sent Fox News clips to celebrate easily-debunkable lies...I can only imagine how

The biggest problem with the emails is that not many staff can read Cyrillic as of yet

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

Nope, not the only one.

How does any headline containing the name Peta Murgatroyd NOT include the phrase “Heavens to Murgatroyd!”