
They are only doing the Jean/Logan stuff in What if’s and Alternate Universe series so i dont think Marvel is really trying to do that, see All New X-Men Marvel is really investing in building up the young (past) Scott/Jean relationship minus all the crap that ruined them.

Nope, its just an AU story part of battleworld in secret wars

it’s just an AU universe (with AU characters) stuck to battleworld, not canon

Dont worry its not canon, the sole purpose of AU realities/What if’s are for the writers to write whatever the shit they want without editorial interference

And that only happens in What if’s and Alternate Universes, never gonna happen in main continuity.


Well this is basically just a ‘What if ’ AU title, no need to take it seriously as it never happened in the main (616) continuity, i do agree though that the issue was utter bullshit

It was a truely terrible book that messed with a lot of characterizations, u probably wouldn’t see it because u are a new reader

“I hate cyclops as hes just like that one romantic rival who doesnt get that hes the second choice even though he was there first, yet he acts all territorial and like he owns the place.”

Judging by All New X-Men i don’t think Marvel is done with Scott/Jean, they are only doing the Logan/Jean nonsense stuff in AU’s and What if’s

Don’t worry bro this is basically just a What If ? AU reality, atleast the younger versions of Scott/Jean have a second chance to make it work minus all the bullshit that weighed them down

Nah they didn’t kiss during the space shuttle incident, Jean was actually still lamenting over Scott then Logan holds her and kills her, this ending though is just new level bullshit

Dont worry Bro its just a What if ? sort of title it’s never gonna happen in the main continuity, in fact they are re-developing the Scott/Jean relationship through their younger selves in All New X-Men minus all the crap that ruined their relationship in the first place

Nah they never kissed during the time in the space shuttle, infact Jean was still reminiscing about Scott, Logan just takes her in his arms and kills her