Blurred Lines

Get Whitey

Because you need their votes.

Thanksgiving is for Whitey to celebrate their chemical warfare victory with the Native Americans.

The DNC never coordinated anything with the Clinton campaign to defeat Sanders. You should read those emails again.

It was devoid of economic content too, and people who aren't good at math voted for him.

Obviously they don't believe in bringing the jobs back.

One would hope that the collective response is "who cares"? But in this day and age…too many people care.

Let them die in five years, after they theoretically oust Trump.

Yeah, it actually does, but then Tyranny of the Majority doesn't seem to ring a bell with liberals lately.

What a vivid image there.

Trump voters were tired of hearing about non-issues at the expense of real problems.

You're taking the joke too literally.

What? There's no law saying they can't use the bathroom.

"The losing party should absolutely look inwards after any defeat, but the idea that for instance people getting called racist made them vote Trump is laughable."

I don't know about that last part at all.

He won the states that decided the general election in Trump's favor. The party should have learned something from him

Are you saying that Donald Trump isn't tolerant? I don't believe that.

How? They both had equal debate time.

Biased their primary by calling Bernie's campaign manager a liar for lying? I don't really buy that.

My dating profile is set to find 18-40. Not a single person over 25 that I've seen (and I've been on sites for three years) uses the whacky pronouns that have come about in the last five years.