Blurred Lines

"You really should consider shutting up. Whites are overrepresented in media. "

Finally, even liberals are getting sick of the stench. This is why Hillary isn't 50 points ahead.

The performer can only do his job if the audience lets him. So yes, he does have the right to call her out right then and there.

Most of those guys are dead, though.

"And they all thought it was a liability for her. It's why they rigged the primary and elevated Trump in the press. They knew she couldn't win a fair contested primary and could only survive a general against someone like Trump or Cruz."

I actually do think he's a bigot and a misogynist, but that doesn't bother me.

Wat? No it wasn't. That's paranoia to the extreme. A LOT of people thought he wasn't ready for the top job.

Billy seems easily excitable.

I'm not "losing my marbles", I'm merely pointing out that black representation is everwhere and is not the sole province of the BET channel. It's a fallacy.

Yes, it did happen. But I get it; in liberal la-la land the men always consent to sex even when black-out drunk and women never manipulate men to do what they want.

a) Yes it is, I've seen it for myself.
b) Way to expose liberal thuggery right there. You think my life should be in danger because of my thoughts. You should read 1984, that book had a lot of things to say about people like you.

No, because they don't have jobs and pay taxes.

Even though I have text messages proving that she wasn't raped? And that the man in question was too drunk to consent?

Fiction is used to illustrate facts. Maybe you've read Orwell?

"You also believe having a media with majority white people with a few minorities springled in is sufficient."

I'm talking about how liberals like to stalk opponents that they meet online.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of actual lived experience. These are decent people not trying to work some weird political stance but are simply wronged men.

"The fact that you can name them indicates it's not the same representation."

Most of those "moronic assholes" at least have jobs and pay taxes.

I've seen too many cases where that isn't true.