Blurred Lines

A huge chunk of screen time is given to the Joker's disgusting monologues…which kids swallowed up like gospel.

Only a child would simplify it like that. Comic book movies have evolved beyond campy mashems, they're legitimate art now.

This comment is highly baffling: how on Earth does "the story justify the tone"? The movie is about America dealing with forces beyond its control and the nature of heroism (and villiany); what other tone would be more appropriate than the serious one Synder brings?

I wonder what those things are. I've seen Batman V Superman 3 times this year and it's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. It blows Nolan's trite nihilism out of the water.

You can blame Nolan himself for quite a bit of that, since he produced.

I mean, there can't be a God who gives this guy life, right?

Yet you sychophants praised Nolan for HIS unrelenting dourness.

Oh, I can, but that would take up too much of my day.

There are numerous inaccuracies and fallacies in this post.

People like evolution enough to discredit Christianity and that's it.

True story: this book helped me convert to atheism.

That's what makes it so sad.

He sounds like a typical millennial whiner.

This changes nothing, Jennifer Aniston's on the cover of tabloids every month. Not even a blip on her radar.

Jennifer Aniston is fun.

"If it was true that DJT only cares about himself, why in the world would he run for office? The man already had money, power, influence, a nice posh lifestyle, etc. etc."

Obviously some butthurt liberals.

The worst thing she ever did with her power was send mislabeled "classified" information on a private server. If that's the worst she can do, then you need to stop whining.

What makes you think he cheated? Maybe they're in an open relationship.

Yet you're voting for a lying, epitome-of-corrupt real estate developer who only cares about HIMself?