Blurred Lines

Fair enough…that's a start!

HE can donate HIS OWN money if he cares so much.

My point exactly.

People were already discussing the message well before he staged his idiot "protest" (let me protest the struggles of others by resting my weary legs. Nice). All he did was get in the way. There were atheletes and celebrities doing a much better job than he ever was only three or four months ago.

He already knows that, he doesn't need me to explain it.

What a ridiculous strawman. Lebron makes stands all the time while being constructive. Kaepernick does nothing of the sort.

Colin Kaepernick isn't black.

Because any idiot can "spark a conversation". Especially in this case, because the conversation has revolved entirely around Kaepernick and not the struggles of blacks he supposedly carries on his shoulder like Jesus on the cross.

"That’s why I admire Kaepernick’s protest: He derived meaning from the meaningless. He sparked a conversation."

Don't be mad.

Moon-Shaped Pool is only meaningful to rock reviewers and Radiohead sheeple.

I would take some of those over Apatow any day.

I have news for people: not everyone wants to have gay sex. That doesn't make them phobic or hatefule.

What kind of writing is this?

Surely not as bad as the Fashion Police flop post-Rivers.

Indeed…and there were.

Hoo boy.

Lucky for the rest of you.

The acting is entertaining…that's about it.

Away? There are several scenes in Spectre which vividly recall bad Alan Moore parody.