Blurred Lines

Based on what? Zemekis' track record since 2005 has been largely piss-poor.

It's the millenium's most overrated movie.

Who knows, because no one really enjoys it, and cares very much whether they die.

That's what it's all about, being fun at parties.

And the Anna Nicole Smith shows, too.

No she doesn't.

Hey, I can't help what you said.

Your main point is that muslims generally hate America and are violent terrorists. Which is not true.

No, you presented lies. I presented corrections.

That's not what you said. You said "muslims", not "Syrian refugees".

That sounds like Clinton 12 years ago. A totally outdated response by Trump.

"Why do people assume that if you support Donald Trump, you support the Republican Party?"

"Sweetie, Muslims want to drag you out into the street and put a bullet through your head, or worse."


You realize most whiteys are voting Democrat, right?

Clearly the other side believes that she has done illegal things. They may be wrong, but they can still sincerely believe it.

There's no way Trump supporters say that. I know an assload of Trump supporters who absolutely encourage third-party voting for obvious reasons.

No, they were chanting for her to be imprisoned because they believe she has done illegal things and should be held accountable for them.

Do you KNOW how information gets classified?