Blurred Lines

The genre also attracted its fair share of nerds, though.

Limp Bizkit were bad even for their genre. Without Durst, they wouldn't have existed.

They made two classic albums before Rick Rubin…basically ruined them.

They barely even follow Nu-metal, whose biggest acts featured largely minorities.

It's also enourmously false for nu metal, which was largely non-white.

Some metal magazine did a nu-metal retrospective a couple years back that fawned over Durst. This was weak sauce relatively.

Disturbed were seriously way too professional to be authentically angry.

That wasn't event true, the genre was largely NOT white.

It ignores the fact that Nu-metal was heavily populated by Latin fans, and consisted largely of ethnic minorities.

Nu-metal didn't come out of a vacuum, people. There's a context for all of this stuff other than "angry white boys".

*two guys

It has the band name and album name on it, it can't be that bad.

"Can’t a heroine just survive a vicious shark attack without also having to overcome a family trauma and make a decision about whether or not she wants to be a doctor?"

I like Mother, too, but this is not acceptable.

It represented an improvement, and improvement is change.

Not in Hollywood.

That's just because it's a Chris Nolan movie. He just has to slap his name on a bill and the money comes in.

Plus, what other superhero movie features Ben Affleck lifting the fuck out of those weights?!

It's the opposite, actually. Just look at Nolan's PR team of internet trolls talking about what a "masterful storyteller" he is (when discussing the abysmal Inception or Dark Knight Rises). They get paid to hype the movie with lines like "Don't listen to critics, see for yourself and make up your own mind".

Women did not feature prominently in that movie, and it was primarily the story of an isolated, anti-social bozo.