
Bet he’s a laugh fucking riot at Father/Son little league games.

Are there any stats on how many of these murders happen because a meerkat wants to just relax a little with a beer after a hard day of working in the jungle and another meerkat won’t shut the fuck up about how badly the lawn needs mowing and it has to be done right away so it looks nice when that meerkat’s mother

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?

One of the more disturbing nature documentaries I’ve ever seen shows a dozen chimpanzees punching, kicking, biting a member of their own troupe, chasing him up a tree and leaving him there to slowly die of his wounds over a span of three painful days.

+1 for fuck Michigan

How much do I want to see the reaction of this guy?

Harbaugh has to take some blame for the stupid rugby bullshit. Catch the ball; kick the ball. He never did that shit in San Francisco because so much can go wrong. But no, they had to be slick. Fuck Michigan.

The crowd shots were amazing. Genuine shock, anger, disbelief all over the place, I loved it.

Just from what I heard over the broadcast. Booing their own guys in the later innings, that sort of stuff.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving team on either end of this. The Yankees fans there were trash too.

America wins when the Yankees lose.

If ISIS had a playoff baseball team, would you write a “Root for ISIS in the Playoffs” about them?

Because you are dead inside, have no soul, and look at Donald Trump and think “Yes.... yes.... this man and his ideas should be given as much power as our society can grant.”