
A non-peer reviewed study has found that less than 10% of samples from infections around one town can be linked to supermarket meats, only a quarter of those being drug resistant strains.

One study that hasn't been peer reviewed = "a good chance"? Really?

Panera is ludicrously overpriced, the portions are garbage, and (aside from the soups), everything tastes truly horrible.


I remember loving the illustrations of The Runaway Bunny when I was little. I bought it for my kids and . . no. Hate it. The story is terrible. Why does this bunny want to run away so badly? What is going on at home? Is it the reason his father is gone? Also, why won't the mommy bunny just give the baby bunny

Not necessarily hated hated, but it always irked me that the Berenstain Bears were named Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister fucking Bear. And, like, that was their actual names. Why??? The other bears in the world had names. Lizzy Bruin, etc. Just so annoying. Every time another character in the books that wasn't a

I kind of did not like "A Wrinkle in Time"

Maybe that is more "Young Adult"? (I read it in 2nd grade so...)

Well, this is just ridiculous. the Internet has taught me that when properly performed, motherhood is unceasing toil and self-sacrifice, and the only joy to be found is in loudly proclaiming other mothers' efforts to be inferior to your own.

Now I understand why Dennis and Sweet Dee turned out the way they did.

And here I am, a female, watching Monday night football and reading Deadspin while my husband is sleeping. I'm looking for the Sherman v. Jackson storyline, obviously.

The misogyny, while dumb, isn't even the worst part of these photos. The bros watching the games with baseball gloves on and shit are an affront to humanity as a whole.

If I understand this letter correctly, RR is not offended by the word c*nt, just offended when it is used to refer to something that's not actually a woman.

Girl what? He goes from being offended by the word cunt to calling her a cunt by the end of the letter? And who the fuck calls themselves RR? What dumb fucking nickname

NFL RUMOR ALERT: Rex Ryan pushing extremely hard to land Ryan Tannehill.

Interesting. I think the exact opposite — organic is a label that is difficult to get in its own way, but is by and large bought by jumping through bureaucratic hoops (not that those hoops are never worth jumping). Locally sourced food, on the other hand, supports local farming and agriculture and often smaller,

I love to see my teammates be successful. Blocking for them, or being a decoy or whatever. THe more succesful we are as a team the better it is for everyone

Whats WIP?

It's good to know that after having solved all of its domestic violence issues, the NFL can return to ensuring its players are as humorless as possible after scoring.

Well, outside of being the "never satisfied eagles fan", you have a point. If this is "worse" than running backwards into the endzone and actively taunting the team you're playing (which, for the record, I found to be hilarious), then something is wrong. Just allow the goddamn TD celebrations.