
I wasn't exactly cheated ON, per se... but I had been seeing this older guy for a few months. I understood and was fine with the fact that we were certainly not an exclusive couple, and I just didn't really ask much about his other goings-on. We hung out (boned) at his house during the day a bunch. One day I was

That is super cool! Love that arrangement, I can imagine what a great ambiance it would have made right after the ceremony. And hey, look at it this way- your guests got to hear your beautiful processional for a good deal longer than otherwise. I love when musicians pick out cool varieties of music at weddings.

I played in a friend's wedding as a gift to them recently- I played a bunch of Little Mermaid stuff during the prelude to be silly for them and then they wanted something from Zelda as the processional. It was really fun!

I'm in that traffic EVERY. GODDAMN. DAY. for this stupid job I had to take. Also, the worst/scariest drivers on 93 always have NH plates (and that's saying something among the massholes).

More folks probably understand very basic kidney functions, that's true. In my neck of the woods nobody really eats kidneys though, but loads of people seek out foie gras, which boggles my mind.

I think a lot of people don't really realize what kidney and liver actually DO. Anecdotally, I've discussed this with my other biologist friends, and no one among these circles eats liver. The people I know who do eat it are not scientists.

I once got kicked out of a college friend's wedding because two of the ushers and I were practicing choke holds and sleeper holds on each other. We happened to be doing this on the stage, which probably was the only thing that got us noticed. The groom's dad yelled at us all like a bunch of 10-year-olds to stop

At first I thought you were talking about matching the color of the hanger to the color of the item. Which I most certainly, definitely do in my closet full of plastic hangers all colors of the rainbow. It's even organized in a red to blue rainbow (dark blue transitions to light blue and to white and black at the

Yeah, my Colorforms were easily among my favorite toys as a kid. I was big on making up stories and they were perfect for fulfilling that kind of play. I bet kids with that sort of imagination would still be into them; you can't really manipulate characters and scenery completely on your own in techie toys. I played

Best bachelorette I ever attended:

Not as extreme, but sort of similar- my mom's father stepped on her train at some major part of the day (father-daughter dance? walk down aisle? Something of that traditional magnitude) and to this day she has never had the dress cleaned. She loves the big ol' footprint right on the train. It's a fun memory for her.

I have a teeny, tiny amount of benefit of the doubt I'd like to give this lady, because I myself have a weird thing with nuts. Over the past few years, I've developed a definite sensitivity to almonds. But! Only raw, skin-on almonds. If they're toasted, butterized, slivered, baked into something, I don't have a

I watched with a group of friends and conversation devolved into a "would you do him/her?" chat over basically everyone as they showed up during the broadcast. Will Ferrell unanimously beat pretty much everyone except Bradley Cooper (and I think he tied SNL-era Adam Sandler). I think it is because of all those reasons

Ugh, that anecdote feels so familiar. A family member of mine used to prevent his wife from calling the police by threatening to harm their child if she picked up the phone. He would then allude to these threats in public conversation to get her to do what he wanted without turning any heads. So gross, so... sadistic,

I'm fairly certain I had one on my eyelid a few years ago. I am a master zit/dry-skin picker (sorry I'm gross) and the damn thing was hard and hurt anytime I went at it too hard. So I mostly left it alone but I did pick at it lightly because it's just a compulsive action. It took months, but it eventually came out

I use sulfate and silicone-free stuff because for my hair type (baby-fine, easily oily), products that include those ingredients leave my hair totally limp and sticky-feeling, and it gets dirty faster than without. I assume these sorts of things make for very different individual results, though. Otherwise sulfates

Now playing

This is fun, and reminds of this incredibly fun bunch of Welsh shepherds who did similar, but more creative and active, stuff using their border collies to coordinate the sheep formations. This video makes me laugh every time.

Not wedding dress stuff, but my mom has always tried to convince me that I need to wear things at least 2 sizes to large. I'm convinced that this started because she wanted to be frugal and gave me her old high school clothes from the 70s when I asked for some new middle/high school clothes. In theory, the awesome

That's a very sweet story! A close friend of mine found herself needing to shop on her own as well, and though friends and family couldn't be there, we were all aware of when she was going, and she sent pictures as she was going so that we could respond while she was at the store. I'm sure she had to deal with tons of

I work in a diagnostic testing lab and see tons of interesting/weird/boring/wtf names on the patient lists and sometimes I have to guess that they are cover up names for someone famous going incognito on their blood tests. Just in case it was real, I won't use it, but my favorite so far was a functional equivalent of