I loved King Corn. I live in a region that produces lots of corn and it opened my eyes to gub'ment involvement in farming.
I loved King Corn. I live in a region that produces lots of corn and it opened my eyes to gub'ment involvement in farming.
Its not JUST subsidy and "chemicals." We produce a SHIT TON of food. If you cant look at Canada's climate and, say, the climate of California and logically derive that food might just be cheaper because vast amounts of it are produced locally during incredibly long growing season then, well, you might just want to…
Monoculture of any kind is a long-term ecological nightmare.
I might actually give a guy a chance if he managed to use spelunking in a pick up.
A guy once told my friend who has a big butt that it was a shame that there was all that yard and no dog up in it. And then I think he may have barked.
You know it's bad when the wingman can't even keep it together.
Butt Spelunking is my new band name.
On a late summer/early fall evening, I was getting ready for bed in my dorm room in Australia, where I was studying abroad.
There is SUCH a difference between the various dioceses and Catholic colleges and a company like HOBBY LOBBY. I personally do not believe anyone should be exempt from the BC mandate but I get it with those explicitly religious organizations. For Hobby Lobby to get itself lumped in here is, as we all know, a truly…
So, basically, all of the "red meat shouldn't have pink/blood in it because that's dangerous" people are talking out of their asses
That would only happen if the IUD wasn't inserted in the right place. A month after you get your IUD you can go get a sonogram so they can check that it's oriented right. That's what I did and mine is in perfect position (*gives self pat on the back for uterus properly containing a foreign object*). And once they're…
It's still rightly traumatizing, regardless of the statistics. I'm terrified of spiders, even though I know the likelihood of death by spider is almost zero. Fear isn't always conquered by statistics.
Your sensitivity is so charming.
It's certainly not common, but if that was a friend of hers and she lived through it, I can 100% understand the fear.
Well, there was the time my little sister thought it would be funny to make me a dating profile over at farmersonly.com. I didnt know about it until I googled myself during a job search and found something about how much I enjoyed mud slinging and pig wrassling.
I mean, to be fair, half of this seems to be that you just don't fucking know how to cook.
Edit: why can't you delete comments?
Or, you know, Doctors/Nurses *could* be taking 5 minutes to ask the child: "Do you feel safe at home? Does anyone ever hurt you?" - potentially allowing that child to speak up about abuse they may be experiencing, but are afraid to tell their parents about (or can't).