
I am not a fan of Common Core, but I actually dont see an issue with these questions. At this point in 3rd grade, kids have been doing multiplication for several weeks, if not months. The first question is asking them to recognize that each of the numbers they'll need to represent are multiples of three, so rather

I am so going to hell...

I disagree. The pandering shit about the Boston Marathon is more uninteresting by far.

I think you are spot on that they should make pine tar or some gripping agent legal. I mean it can't be a free for all though. You can't let guys just walk out there with anything they want covering their body. You can't allow gobs of pine tar because if you use enough, then it can be used to make the ball do funny

Until they start having BAY-BIES!!! ;) Good luck! And your friends are super lucky to have you (I'm trying to counteract the hate/why don't you just say no?! comments on all of these types of articles).

And here we have another unexpected perk of having only 3 friends.

Aren't groom 50% responsible for this phenomenon? I know it goes against our cultural expectations that brides are wedding crazy and grooms just show up at the alter, but in several of my friends' weddings the bride wanted to elope and the groom was pushing for a huge wedding. Men like parties too....

I'm the maid of honor in my BFF's wedding this summer and I don't have a fucking job. You have no idea how expensive a $150 dress and a $150 hotel room FEELS when you're broke and it's not even for you.

"Somebody almost died. There was an incident in the outfield."

Is anyone else reminded of how Roald Dahl's Witches had no toes?