
Duh, everyone knows why he always has his hand in his pocket! There is a hole and there is he is constantly jacking it! Heck he is probably a regular subscriber to that guy in Japan. Imagine it, jacking it while shaking hands with the Korean leader. Power trip!

hahahaha best comeback

Simcity and Aliens:CM posted right next to each other on the same day on Kotaku. I never expected that.

Jesus Christ, how could they handle a review like this... AGAIN!

the winner missed a spot. Oh well, with more practice he can do better next time.

Some people find it justifiable, and it is. But only as greed. Finding a deal at a pawn shop, flea market, garage sale, is no problem. But taking advantage of a charitable organization that provides affordable good for poor people and uses the money earned to provide jobs and training for disabled and jobless is an

oh ohhhhhh did someone jump the gun and say a game is canceled again when it wasn't? tisk tisk don't you ever learn?

Ashcraft would deem it fap worthy.

insert penis

oh so NOW people have a problem with this moron? it wasn't enough that the idiot faked an apology for his anti-american statements just because he suddenly became internationally famous with his one stupid song made popular by people looking for a FAD to spread around. But he shows his true colors as a sell out pop

these things sell cheap in Japan. Many in surplus, and even the used copies are in such good condition. Lots of foreigners buy them up for the cheap then sell them on Ebay for the high prices.

Got it $5, unopened, last year.

So what you are saying is that this woman ripped off a charitable organization by 15 grand? She found out how much it was worth. If it were a business I can understand keeping it for herself. But from Goodwill? Heartless! The money they earn from sales goes towards helping the jobless and disabled get steady work and

Continue to bash game, get clicks and earn revenue. Still a moron writer though.

Crappy? To you maybe. This rebooting thing is just retarded. Nothing was wrong with Spiderman. Nothing was wrong with Fantastic 4. But not long after their films are released they get the stupid reboot treatment. The Spiderman reboot was crap. It looked like it was designed to appease the moronic Twilight fans.

omg this is too funny. Everyone is acting like a bunch of Directioners.

So the had a big rant on here not too long ago about how they don't like having pictures of them taken, been spoken to in a dirty way, or being touched. Now look at photo 3. Hypocrites.


Just the first few line... one of the most moronic things I have ever heard a woman say.

What is entertaining for you is sometimes regarded as mild retardation by others. So... congrats. You wanna hop on the hype train and follow the rest of your sheep then be my guest. The people with a brain know better.