Wow. Someone made some mistakes when writing in a language that isn't their own. Who would have known. Because, I'm sure the supergaijinherobetterthaneveryone Ashcraft never once made a mistake when learning Japanese.
Wow. Someone made some mistakes when writing in a language that isn't their own. Who would have known. Because, I'm sure the supergaijinherobetterthaneveryone Ashcraft never once made a mistake when learning Japanese.
shared by Ashcraft of course. Reporting game news? Pfft.... that's for losers. Bashing a single fucking game for months is where it's at! And Kotaku does it well.
I like your guy better. He isn't a tryhard like the one featured on this page.
Remember, they want you to not look at their sensitive areas, take no photographs, don't touch them, and not make any reference to how attractive you may think they look. Yes they are wearing extremely revealing clothing in public, but they don't want any of that. They just want people to look, say "ohh" and "ahh" and…
2 dudes humping in outer space and cigars are ok in video games, but giving someone the bird calls for censoring? People are morons.
hahahahaha you nailed them!
You think that is silly? Have you looked in the mirror? Silly isn't the word... I would say butt ugly.
Good job Kotaku. Give publicity to something so horrible and advertise it freely to a very large community around the world. I'm sure the game makers are most grateful to you. Congrats on another days good work.
Looking at your picture, I think you liked them a lot as a kid. Like... a REAL lot!
hey remember when Kotaku said that game was dead? Guess what?
people are really surprised by this? k
of everything you put into the certain pile, you leave out the always online part. oops, forgot... this is kotaku. when they officially state that part I'm gonna laugh my ass off. It would then truly be a fanboy system, because only someone that dedicated to being a fanboy would knowingly throw their money away on a…
One paragraph, one copied and pasted video. Is this her twitter account?
based on the real life experiences of some foreigner who wrote a crappy book living in Japan I hear. 2 thumbs up
Of course. What I am referring to is the hacker the hacked to obtain information about gaming which was then more than welcomed by kotaku even though they knew he had got it by illegal methods. And it was stated that they did know about the hacking. So yeah... definitely a bad kind of hacking.
... says the website that has constantly showed support for hacking in the past.
Only a homophobe would look at that picture and think that it was meant to be disturbing. I saw a picture of three shirtless guys drawn in a style to please the so called writer who before had criticized the work the artist did. Want to blame someone? Blame the stupid writer for having such an immature attitude!
no no no no no no NO! You made an insulting article, people called you out on it, you thought that would be the end of it, but the guy decided to defend himself. You can't say "forget what I said before. This is what I really meant" after you have been challenged. We know you are doing it to try and save face. And you…
Duh, everyone knows why he always has his hand in his pocket! There is a hole and there is he is constantly jacking it! Heck he is probably a regular subscriber to that guy in Japan. Imagine it, jacking it while shaking hands with the Korean leader. Power trip!