
America is like the hottest most popular girl in school. She decided who is popular and who is shit. She bullies the people she doesn't like. And she only dates the popular and sport star boys. Yeah she may be popular, but a majority of the people just think she is being a bitch.

A game where the enemy is Wesley Snipes? Sounds fun. Just in time for his release.

But you're missing the big point. That is, being unbiased. There are too many reviews that are given poor or favorable comments because of A: the reviewers personal feelings, or B: money. Of course reviews have opinions, but that's only one part of the review. Detailing the features of the game with it's pros and cons

I saw a woman making fake promises of encouraging feminism on youtube in order to get a large amount of money on kickstarter. Why didn't you write about that?

You know every time you like a video on youtube and want to make a comment, you usually leave the comment on the video on youtube. Hint: this isn't youtube. Just thought I would help you at as you seems to do this every day. Under the video you are watching on youtube is the comment box. Just type it in there.

What you're saying is nonsense. If people reviewed things in the way you are saying then the world would miss out on lots of things. It's like the day pizza was invented, the local food critic goes to the restaurant and tries one. The next day he tells everyone "the pizza was all sticky and oily. It tasted so bad.

reviews done in that manner are also called "double standards". People paid to review these products need consistency and to not let their personal feelings interfere with their job. Their job isn't to review a game and say not to buy it because they don't like it. Their job is to review the game, give the information

There was a highly anticipated major release recently. When it was reviewed by Patricia, instead of giving it a serious review, she made a joke about it. She didn't mention the fact fans of the series would find more enjoyment out of it. And her reasons for telling people not to buy it were not only a joke but her

They stole something else you didn't mention. They also copied the lameness of their music. They just happened to be as sucky as the original band? I think not! Blatant rip off!

To voice feminism on a weekly basis and to happily write about their ill treatment in a video game is a contradiction.

Why are the posts that are actually being serious and debating the issue not being accepted?

Looks like Crysis, which if I remember correctly, was listed as a NO.

The next time Patricia has a feminist rant I'm going to post a link to this and say "don't say we didn't try"

Right..... this wasn't done before and is totally original...

Ok this is something you should print because it is very relevant to the subject. The website you work for uses pictures of cosplayers on a daily basis in order to earn hit and revenue. Maybe a part of the reason is because cosplay is a part of modern Japan, but for the most part it is a product that a lot of the

I have to be honest, and you probably will censor and reject my opinion, but the girls used as examples in these pictures are ugly and I wouldn't want to touch them anyway. I wouldn't feel like taking their pictures either. I'm surprised that they have been harassed.