
This one guy creating all of this in a relatively short period is not impressive enough? Tough crowd.

I get what you're saying but since some of the funds is going towards voice actors and such maybe he didn't want to lip sync the scene. It would be a lot of time to sync it up and then he'd be limiting the voice actors because the models are already finalized.

Far Cry 2 made me stop and pause the game for several minutes. I was sniping from a hill to take out an enemy outpost. I hit one guy in the leg, incapacitating him. I thought he would just crumple over like any other game enemy does after a few seconds, but then I saw another enemy run over to him and start to drag

I would assume Legend of Korra viewers are most likely fans of the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series, which premiered almost 10 years ago. Nickelodeon is a network that markets their content to children... which means that the fans of the series are probably at least in their mid-late teens/twenties and

I don't see a whole lot of people complaining about a character or an outfit or any other DLC that's given ONLY if you pre-order at Gamestop instead of buying it at Walmart. Why complain about this? Yeah you're hurt, you feel betrayed. Whoopty doo. It's a game. And it's not really Bungie's fault. Whoever is giving

Don't worry. Microsoft started their conference with Metal Gear Solid.