Spoiler Alert: The Internet will spoil everything. The solution is pretty simple...
Spoiler Alert: The Internet will spoil everything. The solution is pretty simple...
He will always be Perseus to me...
Looks more like S&M meets crab fishermen themed party.
Every day I wake up and I’m not Mrs. Oscar Isaac and it’s sad.
I have a lot of pens that have the word diversity on them.
One of my former coworkers was with her husband and they were driving home. It's dark and winter outside. She's looking out the window and see a kangaroo jumping on the side of the road. She tells her husband and he doesn't believe. Well, it turns out a kangaroo had escaped from a petting zoo.
To be fair, I do believe the DA made a point of saying that he did believe the victim and that she had no involvement with the whole evidence bag fiasco. Basically, he more or less stated that it was all mom. Of course, there are a lot of people who care not a hoot for nuance and this probably went right over their…