
Small older bridges in rural areas, including but not limited to ones in the northeast, have weight- related restrictions like that posted, too. Regular passenger vehicles are fine, but every once in a while a box truck or semi drives over one and completely collapses it.

After seeing that other recent article about the red color requirements for rear side markers in the US, I’m starting to suspect a lot of that is because manufacturers are too cheap to put in dedicated red side markers.

That may be a price quote for the NYC metro area. I got a starting price just under $17K for my ZIP code on the US Kia website, and still couldn’t get the price up to $20K (before taxes/fees) for a blue Kia Rio S 5 after throwing in all available options.

Don’t wear a watch with an acrylic crystal while spraying bugspray on yourself, either. (Source: personal experience.)

We’re living in the new Gilded Age, and Bill Gates is the modern equivalent of a robber baron that makes a pivot to philanthropy. Praise his genuinely good achievements, but do not put him on a godlike pedestal and definitely do not forget how vilified he was in the late 90s-early 00s for Microsoft’s cutthroat

The conservative trolls come out of the woodworks on Jalopnik posts criticizing policing, the brodozer-ification of full-sized pickups, extreme speeding on public roads, or certain emissions-related topics, though they usually get told off by other commenters. It isn’t quite the same as the Disqus days when they were

The increasingly ill-thought out facelifts of the 1st-gen Focus that Ford did to disguise that they couldn’t be bothered to bring the real 2nd-gen Focus over here. The first major facelift blunted the design a bit without making huge changes but the 2007-2010 “Second Generation” US Focus was an afterthought that, in

In the original Game Boy release of Link’s Awakening, you could find some weird rooms by using the screen-warping cheat. All(?) of the indoor/underground areas share a larger map, so there are some connector rooms that weren’t meant for players. Some of these are instant-death rooms where the room is lined in

Newsweek is currently owned and run by evangelical nuts, who’ve been using it to push hard-right views either directly (the vast majority of their op-ed section) or indirectly (phrasing when covering politically-charged topics; features like this interview). This stuff flies under the radar because people see the

Wouldn’t any of the Trump couples qualify as America’s Worst Couple? Each person in the couple is malignant in their own way, they complement and bolster each other’s awfulness in couple form, and they’re in the spotlight in ways that are harder to ignore than Stefani/Shelton.

This is on the topic of the listings rather than the cars themselves, but wow is the OpenStreetMap marker for that Trenton(-ish) dealer way off. It would put you 1 mile up the road and in an area where there is/was (before the pandemic, at least) weird lane closures and rerouting due to some sort of ongoing bridge

They’ve had something on their website about “Vehicle registration and availability limitations in CA, CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NJ, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT and WA” for the most recent model year, presumably because it no longer meets their stricter emissions standards, so it was already living on borrowed time.

For anyone still giving her the benefit of the doubt as to her intention, she used to play coy about being a TERF in the past but has been increasingly more overt. Just the other week she accidentally posted a TERF-y article quote that was probably supposed to be a DM (and edited to misgender a person from the original

On the flip side, there’s also a contingent on social media sites that feel influencers are obligated to promote awareness by virtue of them having access to a public platform, and then implying (or outright claiming) that their silence means they must be racist.

Biden (and a few others for that matter) has been hanging around long enough that he isn’t even a Boomer—people born before the end of WWII are part of the Silent Generation.

If they’re getting that worked up about these shoes in a fairly tame/versatile color scheme, then some of the Asics Gel-Lyte shoes I used to wear would be like opening the Ark of the Covenant.

If they’re getting that worked up about these shoes in a fairly tame/versatile color scheme, then some of the Asics

Sometimes a tape with persistent tracking issues could be sorted out (or at least made less bad) by fast-forwarding to the very end, then rewinding. I remember doing that more often when pulling out tapes that had been sitting for years through lots of temperature and/or humidity changes.

LiveJournal is mostly Russian these days thanks to a Russian company buying them, then moving their servers over there and making them subject to Russian censorship laws.