
I...didn’t expect that...
And I nearly spit my drink from that surprise when I saw the tweet XD

It’s from Henry Stickman

This was totally planned!.....right?^^’

That’s what I want to know as well!
They always said “free this” and “free that” for the updates.
Will there be a new expansion?....god I hope so...
Or just announce a new game!!! x.x


Hope you could see everything with those bright lights on^^’

Never heard of it as well o.o

I am the walrus

But do you truly need this?

Schockwelllllllleeeeee XD Oh many memories^^’

I don’t care about Half Life 3...I want my Portal 3 and Left 4 Dead 3 T_T

First I was like: Hey! That thing looks really cool!

But after it moved and changed:....OhMyGodIWantThisGunSoDamnBadlyGiveGiveGive!ItOnlyCosts 737$OhNevermind! T__T

What about Unreal 2? I know..not the best game..but look at that sexy flames: