Ghost Hobo Roy Orbison

Yes Rio Bravos! No Rio Lobos!

He comes across both knowledgeable and likable enough in Trailers From Hell that think he could do some banner work on a remake or someone else's script.

Yeah, the complaints of 'is that it?' regarding the nature of the monster seem to lack the context of what it means to have some of these shushed parental fears made explicit.

Comparing it to TCM2 makes this a definite must rent for me now. I have been avoiding it because the quality of horror sequels these days is just such an uninspired slog.

Has anyone seen the official sequel? I should be thrilled to plunk down $4 for the streaming rental, and yet I wait…

I've pause-play-paused my way through that closer a few times. This 'The Future' group has me the most interested, and there's gotta be a reason for some more interesting casting than usual among the gathered faces. I'm hoping the Coens are gonna wander into weird LA and the various cults - particularly of the UFO

"They're just questions, Jeb!. In answer to your query, they're written
down for me. It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response…
Shall we continue…"

Kudos. I send people to this amazing resource on the regular.

Thanks! Off to the archives.

Dood. I would love to read Woodring's account from that period. Where did you come across it?

I would be willing to bet more copies of The Road were pushed through airport outlets than anything by Martin.

Yup. Even more than McShane (at this point, anyway, since I don't think it'll happen), I would love to see Agent Ray Nicolet show up in KY.

I stopped reading X comics around the time Kitty caught on as a Whedon figure, but as a
huge fan of Excalibur, she and Crawler were already cemented in my
favorites list.

Allow me to second the Study Group mention.