
But think of the menfolk!

I was writing a response that was basically this, but not as well articulated. I hope you stay active here and comment more, I’d like to hear from you.

Oh, sorry. I lurk from time to time so I might not catch every and any shit that’s been throw your way.

Dude, if you have a history of domestic abuse and there is a new perspective you want to give to the conversation by all accounts do it. But your original comment was indeed unsubstantial and added nothing to the conversation. I have a history of domestic abuse and I wasn’t planning on commenting on this article

Was your initial comment giving voice to a perspective you have on abuse from personal experience, or was it you letting everyone know how much you dislike the Trump administration and think they don’t actually care about abuse of women?

From what I gather a lot of commenters have been asking Moral Dictata to sit back and listen instead of feeling compelled to comment first/jump in right away and steer the conversation towards a male POV rather than allowing other female commenters to lead the way.

This is why I treat white guys as guests in these political movements and maybe an ally. Maybe.

I blame Kanye ....and the other black men who have validated “all type girls” black men mindset.

I mean, good for Jamie, but yeah, but it seems like a real, real odd fit.

I highly doubt that Jenner is paying a single cent above the deductible - this is all insurance money, and as such, the carrier controls whether or not the matter settles, and the policy limits and the remaining aggregate (due to prior settlement) matter.

He’s like the Lena Dunham of Baldwins.


Lol - We’re you having a stroke when you wrote this?

Bush’s actions killed/is killing thousands of Americans. Trump’s actions are killing everything America is supposed to represent. Both things are bad.

Do they have journalists in France?

As always, XKCD has this covered:

So, I agree with you, but I feel you’re missing an important part of this conversation. They forgave Trump. Do you really think they forgave Stormy Daniels? Or do they hate her and think she’s a raging slut that should be punished? I think it is the latter of the two personally. Christianity (at least the current

All you need to know about purity rings you can learn from serial adulterer and all around sin-sational guy Donald Trump, and his comically high approval rating with the morally “superior” Talibangelicals.

Is it just me or does Kylie seem to have the longest celeb pregnancy of all time? Maybe it’s just because there were probably rumors for months before she was actually pregnant, but I don’t even actively pay attention other than skimming Dirt Bag here on Jez 1x per day and I feel like this girl has been knocked up for

Why do I feel like the word shouldn’t even be in a spellchecker’s dictionary? It should always show up underlined when typed. Maybe Clippy should be resurrected just for that purpose.